
Ethos and Aims

Drama as a category of performing arts is essential to a versatile and balanced whole school curriculum. Allowing students creative opportunity and access to the vast culture of performance the world has to offer is essential to their development as well-rounded individuals. We feel it is necessary to provide an education for all and the inclusion of creative subjects such as drama enables this. As well as this we are passionate that drama is an academic subject in its own right and we wish to foster this understanding from the beginning of a student’s exploration of the subject. Taking this into account, in our opinion the most important element of our subject is student voice, allowing them creative freedom, self-belief and the ability to succeed. 

We aim to develop students’ skills in performance and analysis of drama. We aim to explore varying genres, styles and conventions as well as a range of plays and texts. We do this in order to give students a strong foundation in order to facilitate successful further study of drama or applications of the subject in employment. We also aim to ensure drama is of benefit to all, exploring real world topics, giving a voice to students and offering transferable skills essential to success in all pathways of life. 


Mr S Birmingham – Head of Media, Film and Drama

Miss L Mullard – Lead Teacher of Drama

Mr A Mudge – Teacher of Drama


At The Bewdley School we are passionate about drama as an essential part of the school’s curriculum, offering a practical and knowledge-led subject which is designed to be captivating and inclusive for all types of students. We pride ourselves on enabling students to develop creativity and problem-solving skills through creation and rehearsal; confidence and resilience through performance and critical understanding though response to both self and professional performance. We aim to inspire students to develop their own creative identities, encouraging self-expression. We also wish to encourage the exploration of real-world issues through the world of drama, considering how we communicate a message with others through theatre. We believe that it is essential that students have access to a broad and ambitious drama curriculum, which embeds skills and knowledge of the theatre and performance process therefore allowing them to develop a love of the performance arts. We are also passionate that drama can and should be for everyone, developing a wide range of transferable skills essential to success in multiple fields and pathways. 


The Drama curriculum at KS3 is centred around two main types of theatre; devised and scripted, with a focus on four key performance skills under the acronym GEMS (gesture, expression, movement and speech). As well as this we feel students should be able to access understanding of technical skills and a variety of roles within the theatre. We are aware of the academic expectations of our KS4 curriculum and the benefit of analysis and evaluation skills to students. Due to this we also ensure students are able to verbally and in written format respond to their own work, the work of peers and the work of professionals in a detailed and accurate way. Both of these elements are implemented through a live theatre module and interleaved through year 7, 8 and 9. Having a spiral based curriculum, students build upon the skills and knowledge they acquire over time.  

In order to engage and inspire a wide range of students a variety of styles and genres are worked upon in KS3 feeding into the needs of KS4 & 5. We focus on two key practitioners and styles in year 7 and 8 through the study of Stanislavski’s Naturalism and Brecht’s Epic Theatre, exploring applications of these in both devising and scripted work. These two influential yet opposing topics give students a great foundation knowledge and a wider understanding of different types of theatre. We explore other styles including physical theatre and Commedia Dell Arte which lend themselves to performing drama from different eras and applying a range of performance skills. We also ensure we look at a range of topics, plays and stories such as world issues, Charlie and the Chocolate factory and Harry Potter and the work of Shakespeare and Willy Russell. This rich and varied curriculum allows for all students to find something of interest regardless of background or skill set.  

In year 9 we begin to tailor our curriculum to suit preparations for GCSE. This includes students taking on several larger projects such as a devising unit based on a stimulus, staging a play linked to the exam board set texts, evaluating live theatre and exploring several different styles and conventions that will support them in further study. The aim at year 9 is not only to provide the tools for success at GCSE, but also to foster an appreciation and understanding of all aspects of the drama curriculum, both practical and academic. 

Our KS4 Curriculum follows the Edecxel GCSE drama exam specification and balances student lead devised work and a supporting portfolio; student lead direction and performance of  scripted pieces and a written exam exploring a set text and live theatre. Our curriculum thus far has built towards success in KS4 without being simply a watered-down version of it. 

Our extracurricular programme extends upon the classroom learning, encouraging students to embrace performance opportunities that widen their cultural capital, through both putting on and attending professional performances. We are extremely proud of our Monday drama club having already produced a production of the scripted play Nutters and a student lead musical evening. We have hopes to build upon this club, with many more productions in the future.  


We are enthusiastic that drama can have a positive influence on all students regardless of interest, skill level or background. Whilst students may not choose to continue with drama at KS4, KS3 drama offers students a set of transferable skills that they can use in any subject and also later on in life in prospective employment or further education.  

Other students will choose to continue with drama into both KS4 and KS5 and our carefully chosen curriculum will support them to achieve success in this . Through performing and rehearsing, our students will become more resilient and confident with the ability to work independently and as part of a team. They will develop the skills that they require to choose drama at either higher education or in the world of employment.    

Theatre visits are well attended by pupils, excellent behaviour is adopted and pupil feedback is overwhelmingly positive. This allows our students to appreciate how theatre is used and created in the real world, including the impact that it can have upon an audience. We pride ourselves on building upon students’ skills of teamwork, resilience, dedication, commitment and self-motivation as well as providing them with the opportunity to feel a sense of community and belonging, applying the use of the Bewdley values. 

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