Year 9 – Science

Head of Subject: Mr C Beech

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

The KS3 Science course is designed to develop students’ scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding, understand the nature, processes and methods of science through scientific enquiries, learn to apply observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and problem-solving skills and develop their ability to evaluate claims through critical analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions, both qualitatively and quantitatively. 

  • Course Implementation

    Genetics and Variation 

    Students will learn that the causes of variation are by inheritance and interaction with the environment, the meaning of continuous and discontinuous variation, artificial selection and its comparison with natural selection; the knowledge of natural selection will then be linked to the concept of evolution, developing an appreciation of how different species change over time, with a final look at extinction, reflecting on how human activity is accelerating the rate of extinction.  Assessment will be on-going, including retrieval practice homework via Seneca , in topic quizzes and End of topic tests followed by feedback. 

    Respiration and Photosynthesis  



    Students will learn about aerobic and anaerobic respiration and apply this to what happens in the body during, and after, exercise; the applications of anaerobic respiration; the chemical reaction of photosynthesis and where it takes place in plant cells; adaptations of plants to obtain the reactants needed for photosynthesis; non-photosynthetic plants that are often parasitic, and considering both respiration and photosynthesis by looking at biomes. Assessment will be on-going, including retrieval practice homework via Seneca , in topic quizzes and End of topic tests followed by feedback. 


    Students will about the differences between physical and chemical reaction, energy changes in reactions, writing chemical equations, the reactions of metals with acids and oxygen, the Law of Conservation of Mass, thermal decomposition reactions, metal displacement reactions and how they are used in metal extraction, and rusting and its effect on metals. Assessment will be on-going, including retrieval practice homework via Seneca , in topic quizzes and End of topic tests followed by feedback. 

    Rocks, Earth and Atmosphere 



    Students will learn about the 3 types of rock, how thy are formed and can be changed via the rock cycle; the processes that occur on the Earth’s surface and atmosphere and how this shapes the Earth’s surface and climate. Assessment will be on-going, including retrieval practice homework via Seneca , in topic quizzes and End of topic tests followed by feedback. 




    Students will learn about the different models of electric circuits, which will then be linked to an understanding of what are complete and incomplete circuits; the path of a current in series and parallel circuits; current, voltage and their units, drawing and building circuits using circuit symbols. Assessment will be on-going, including retrieval practice homework via Seneca , in topic quizzes and End of topic tests followed by feedback. 


    Students will study how objects are kept in orbit because of gravity, including natural and artificial satellites, as well as the arrangement of bodies in the solar system and the relative sizes of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun; how the movement of these objects results in eclipses; the differences between solar and lunar eclipses; how the Earth rotates on its axis to produce day and night and how its tilted axis produces seasons, and the  effect this has on the length of days and the different seasonal temperatures. Assessment will be on-going, including retrieval practice homework via Seneca , in topic quizzes and End of topic tests followed by feedback. 

    PD Unit – Drugs 



    Students will learn about the various types of drugs, the effects of drugs and alcohol on the body; describe some of the health risks associated with occasional and problematic substance use and recognise and challenge myths related to drug use and drinking alcohol. This unit is not assessed. 


Learning Impact

Developing knowledge, practical and mathematical skills across the KS3 curriculum will allow students to progress into GCSE with the ability to analyse more complex scientific ideas; an end of year assessment covering a range of topics learned in Year 10 will allow students to demonstrate the progress they have made in Science.  

Students’ Working At grades will be produced using an average of the End of Topic assessments; this will also include assessment of practical skills and will be reported to parents based on the whole school assessment calendar for that year.    

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