Year 9 – Mathematics

Head of Subject: Mrs F Wilmot

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

Year 9 is the start of the GCSE course, and we use this year to recap, consolidate and then extend material taught in Years 7 and 8, covering the GCSE content for each module, including some Higher Tier only content (Set 1 and 2 only). 

  • Set 1 and 2 Course Implementation


    The number topics taught in Year 7 are recapped and then extended to ensure fluency in the GCSE content, and new content – Indices and Standard Form – are introduced. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes more formal tests. 


    Work from Years 7 and 8 is recapped and extended to cover the GCSE content with the new topic of Bearings being taught. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes a more formal test. 

    Perimeter, Area and Volume 

    This module recaps and then extends previous work on perimeter, area and volume, extensions to previous work include arc length and sector area for circles and finding the volume of spheres and cones. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes a more formal test. 


    This module develops the work previously covered and now introduces algebraic factorisation with non-integer and algebraic factors and the use of algebraic order of operations; we also teach the expansion of double brackets and, for some students, the expansion and simplification of cubics. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework. 


    Surds are a Higher Tier only topic and are the square root of non-square numbers; students will be taught to calculate exactly with surds and to simplify surds including rationalising the denominator with compound surds. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework. 


    This module takes the previous work on solving equations and extends it into solving equations involving expanding brackets and having the unknown on both sides of the equation, whilst the unknown value is non-integer. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes a more formal test on this and the previous two modules. 

    Recurring Decimals and Accuracy 

    These two topics are Higher Tier only and involve being able to change recurring decimals into their equivalent fractions, and vice versa, and being able to apply and interpret limits of accuracy including upper and lower bounds to solve problems. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework. 


    Building upon the work in Year 8, we now cover generating sequences from term to term and position to term rules and look at both geometric and quadratic sequences. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework. 

    Constructions and Loci

    This module is a formal look at the pencil, ruler and compass constructions that are required at GCSE and then develops these skills into solving problems involving the use of loci. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework. 

  • Set 3 and 4 Course Implementation


    The number topics taught in Year 7 are recapped and then extended to ensure fluency in the GCSE content, and new content – Indices and Standard Form – are introduced. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes more formal tests. 


    Work from Years 7 and 8 is recapped and extended to cover the GCSE content with the new topic of Bearings being taught. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes a more formal test. 

    Perimeter, Area and Volume 

    This module recaps and then extends previous work on perimeter, area and volume, extensions to previous work include arc length and sector area for circles and finding the volume of spheres and cones. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes a more formal test. 


    This module develops the work completed previously by considering factorising algebraic expressions where the factor is non-integer, using this process to solve equations, again with non-integer solutions and being able to generate and describe sequences from both term to term and position to term rules, geometric and quadratic sequences are also introduced. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes a more formal test. 

    Constructions and Loci 

    This module is a formal look at the pencil, ruler and compass constructions that are required at GCSE and then develops these skills into solving problems involving the use of loci. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework. 


Learning Impact

End of module assessments will test students factual recall of basic skills as well as the ability to apply these skills to solve problems. 
Marked test papers with both the student’s result and class average will be kept in the Knowledge Organiser to facilitate communication with parents and to use for revision for the end of year examination. 

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