Year 9 – English

Head of Subject: Mrs H Lloyd

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

Key Focus: Voice  

Focus on expressing a viewpoint, having empathy and understanding others:  analysis begun in Year 8 develops; reading supports a stronger awareness of perspective and GCSE style texts and tasks; opportunities are given for oral presentation.   

  • Course Implementation

    Modern Author Study: Steinbeck or Miller 



    Developing understanding of 20th century prose fiction in preparation for GCSE Language and Literature: explicit exploration of ideas around prejudice; expressing ideas around feelings and attitudes; continuing to develop awareness of themes and writers’ contexts; explicit teaching of GCSE skills, including research, analysis, planning and writing creatively with a stimulus text. Ongoing formative assessment of analytical reading skills. 

    Creative Reading and Writing: Dystopian Texts 



    Developing awareness of genre and context: focus on range of texts from 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries; creative writing opportunities are offered, writing with a specific imaginative concept in mind. Universal Writing Assessment with links to dystopian texts and/or modern writers. 

    Non-Fiction Viewpoints and Perspectives 

    Focus on how non-fiction writers use language and structure differently to fiction writers; emphasis on comparing ideas and viewpoints in preparation for GCSE English Language. Ongoing formative assessment of analytical reading skills and creative writing. 

    Relationships Poetry 

    In depth poetry analysis, exploring and comparing poems that consider the breadth of human relationship: developing skills in preparation for GCSE English Literature; in addition, some focus on writing skills, enabling students to learn how to create analytical essay plans. Formative Assessment: Reading – Analysis of an unseen text. 

    Looking for Adventure 

    Extending engagement with non-fiction texts, with some cross-curricular links to History and reference to pre-1900 texts, this module allows pupils to engage with exploration, considering the adventures of others, and imagining their own; there is a strong emphasis on evaluating purpose and viewpoint, in preparation for GCSE English Language. Ongoing formative assessment of analytical reading skills and creative writing. 

    Shakespearean Tragedy 

    In preparation for GCSE English Literature, pupils explore the characters, perspectives and themes that drive one of Shakespeare’s bestknown tragedies; pupils view and study an entire abridged work in performance; an introduction to Cornell notetaking is offered, in preparation for GCSE. Formative Assessments: Walking Talking mock, GCSE Paper 1Key focus: the GCSE exam experienceEnd of Year Literacy assessment.  

    Grammar and core skills  

    Grammar and core skills for writing are taught throughout all units, with discrete lessons focussing upon elements at germane points in the curriculum; especial focus on shaping individual responses for analysis and self-expression; use of colons and semi colons is considered; an introduction to discourse markers is given. Ongoing formative assessment of spelling, punctuation and grammar, along with targets given to hone core skills. 


Learning Impact

Through formative assessment each term, fundamental skills for crafting more sophisticated fiction and non-fiction will have been assessed;  advice on ways to improve will have been given; improvement of deeper analytical skills will have begun in preparation for GCSE; pupils will develop KS3 skills from Year 8, and continue to develop their understanding of fundamental concepts for future GCSE study in Language and Literature. 

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