Year 7 – Mathematics

Head of Subject: Mrs F Wilmot

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

Year 7 work builds on and extends the work covered at Primary School, focussing on ensuring all students become fluent, as well as competent, at Number and Geometry topics. 

  • Course Implementation

    Basic Numerical Skills 

    Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with both positive and negative integers; this includes both basic skills and their application to problem solving. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and include two more formal tests. 

    Powers and Roots

    We extend the work started at Primary School to include the squares and corresponding square roots of the numbers from 1 to 15, 20, 30, etc. and the cubes and corresponding cube roots from 1 to 5 and 10. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework. 

    Place Value 

    This module seeks to further develop students understanding of Place Value, enabling them to both read, write and manipulate numbers in Base 10 and other bases. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework. 

    Order of Operations 

    This module takes the previous content and further develops it so that students know how to apply it correctly when several different processes are required. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes a more formal assessment on this module and on the previous two modules. 

    Factors, Multiples and Primes 

    Students will understand and be able to apply the knowledge of factors, multiples and prime numbers to solve problems involving the use of highest common factors and lowest common multiples. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and include a more formal test. 

    Fractions, Decimals and Percentages 

    This module develops the work covered at Primary School by consolidating and extending their knowledge and use of non-integer numbers and how these are different representations of the same non-integer numbers, as well as their use in problem solving. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and include three more formal tests. 


    Students will be taught how to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks and will be able to convert between 12-hour and 24-hour time, different units of time, seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years and read and use timetables. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework. 


    Students will be able to convert between the differing metric measures for length, mass, capacity, area and volume. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes a more formal test on both Time and Measures. 

    Perimeter, Area and Volume 

    This module covers the perimeter and area of rectangles, triangles, parallelograms and trapeziums and the volume and surface area of cubes and cuboids; it includes contextual problems and compound shapes. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework and includes a more formal test. 


    This module includes all the basic skills and knowledge to do with angles from identifying, naming, measuring, calculating as well as extending this into properties of different triangles and quadrilaterals including polygons and 3D solids. Assessment will be via continual assessment of classwork and homework. 

Learning Impact

End of module assessments will test students factual recall of basic skills as well as the ability to apply these skills to solve problems. 

Marked test papers with both the student’s result and class average will be kept in the Knowledge Organiser to facilitate communication with parents and to use for revision for the end of year examination. 

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