Year 7 – History

Head of Subject: Mrs S Barnes

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

In year 7 students will make connections, draw contrasts and analyse evidence as they explore the local area of Bewdley across the ages, investigate Anglo Saxon and Viking Britain, the Norman conquest and life in Medieval England. 

  • Course implementation

    A local Study of Bewdley’s history that consolidates and extends student’s knowledge from before and after 1066.

    Chronological understanding of Bewdley through the ages and it’s interconnection with the region, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Review of student’s work, hinge questions, in class quizzing, homework and online quizzes created by the history dept. 

    A study of British history before 1066   

    Enquiry focus: How did the Vikings change England c790 to 1042?  Anglo Saxon Britain and Vikings – use and understanding of historiography. Review of student’s work, hinge questions, in class quizzing, homework and online quizzes created by the history dept. 

    The development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1500  

    Enquiry focus: Was William’s victory over Anglo Saxons inevitable? The Norman invasion, the strengths and weaknesses of the contenders for the throne, plus the reasons why William won the battle of Hastings. Review of student’s work, hinge questions, in class quizzing, homework and online quizzes created by the history dept. 

    The development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1500 

    Enquiry focus:  How far has life changed for Anglo Saxons under Norman ruleLife under Norman rule, peasants, feudal society, Domesday book, Harrying of the North.  

    The development of Church, state and society in Medieval Britain 1066-1500 continued 

    Enquiry focus: How was the power of kings challenged in Medieval Britain?  Challenges to Kings, church and state:  Murder of Thomas Becket, King John, Magna Carta, Black death and Peasant’s revolt.

Learning Impact

End of unit assessments covering acquired knowledge and key skills including source skills and the construction of PEEL paragraphs and conclusions. 

Reports will indicate how well students can recall and apply knowledge, analyse ideas and sources and make substantiated judgements about Anglo Saxon Britain, the Vikings, the Normans and challenges to kings in medieval Britain.

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