Year 7 – Design and Technology

Head of Subject: Mr A Hancock

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

How to use a CAD (Computer Aided Design) package to draw simple shapes to the correct scale.  

How to draw using CAD so that their single layered prototypes can me made via CAM (computer Aided Manufacture)
How to draw in two point perspective by hand and using CAD to draw simple 3 Dimensional objects.
How to use tools, equipment and machinery in the workshop, (sanding disc, pillar drill and various hand tools) independently and safely to make simple wooden items with simple wooden joints.
How to use PVA wood adhesive to glue wood together using simple clamping techniques.
How to use CAD (computer Aided Design) to complete a simple drawing once copied from a JPEG.  

  • Course implementation

    Two point perspective drawing techniques 

    Students will create a simple block drawing using two point perspective by hand and using CAD (computer aided design). Students marks for their 2 point perspective drawings will be recorded in their book and be based on line quality, correct use of perspective and the effective use of adding colour.  

    Pine Game/Book Storage 

    Students will use 2D Design CAD package, various tools, equipment and machinery to create a bespoke and personalised, laser engraved pine and stainless steel rack that can be used to store games and/or books. Students marks for their design ideas of their storage rack will be recorded in their books and be based on effective and correct use of the CAD package, creativity and suitability and final practical outcome.  

    Health & Safety in the workshop 

    Students will complete all Health and safety documentation in their books and will also be shown how to safely use the pillar drill, sanding disc and various hand tools throughout their practical project for their pine rack.  Students marks for their health & safety work will be recorded in their books and be based on the correct use of labelling and answers, as well as practical use of the equipment.   

Learning Impact

Developing students’ knowledge and skills across the year 7 curriculum will give our students a basis for future Design & Technology projects; affording students with the opportunity to research, draw using CAD and CAD for CAM in more complex ways.  

Student’s working at grades for Design & Technology will be taken from an average of the main assessment objectives covered across the rotation: drawing and recording, research, designing and final practical outcomes. This will be reported to parents based on the whole school assessment calendar for that year.  

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