Year 13 – Psychology

Head of Subject: Ms C Simmonds

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

This year students will deepen their knowledge base of psychology by explore a variety of controversies and contemporary issues in psychology. Students will further study specific behaviours such as offending, schizophrenia and gender in order to assess psychological literature to discuss the possible implications of it. 

  • Course Implementation

    Issues and Debates in Psychology 

    Students will cover contemporary issues and controversial debates in psychology for example the extent to which behaviour is the result of nature or nurture. This topic is synoptic as students will be drawing on previous learning from year 12 to assess each of these issues. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 

    Gender Development 



    Students will develop an understanding of theories surrounding gender development, students will explore concepts such as sex role stereotypes and androgyny before moving on to looking as how hormones and chromosomes influence sex development. This topic also covers gender dysphoria and looks at psychological literature to assess possible explanations for this. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 




    Students will explore the brain in depth looking at how functions are localised to specific areas. They will also familiarise themselves with the variety of scanning techniques that neurologists use to assess the brain. Students will also look at concepts such as brain plasticity and also ways in which the brain is able to recover function as a result of damage and trauma. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 


    This topic explores the complexities of the mental health condition schizophrenia. Students will look at the ways in which clinicians diagnose the condition and they will also develop an insight into the possible causes and treatments of the condition. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 

    Forensic Psychology 

    For this unit students will explore different theories of crime to assess whether there is a biological or environmental basis for criminal behaviour. Students will then use this knowledge to attempt explain how criminal behaviour can be reduced. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 


    Students will gain an understanding of a variety of inferential statistical testing such as Chi-Squared, Sign test and Related T test. Students will learn under what conditions these tests are used and how to determine significance in data. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 

Learning Impact

Knowledge will be assessed through weekly in class assessments that will be peer marked. teach assessments in the form of timed questions during lesson, regular homework and end of unit tests. 
This will be reported by parents by following the school data drop policy and calendar. 

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