Year 13 – Product Design (Design and Technology)

Head of Subject: Mr T Hancock

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

NEA practical work. To be able to work safely, independently and skilfully to produce high quality prototypes/products to a client driven specification and brief.  

THEORY: Students will learn how Product Designers will work in a commercial environment to take a product from a drawing to a fully functioning product. 

  • Course Implementation

    NEA Practical work 



    Students will create their finished design idea to completion from their chosen materials and finishes. Students Will now have a complete piece of practical that has enabled them to have a deeper understanding of making projects from their chosen materials, and to ensure they gain and in-depth knowledge of they know how a design solution needs to be reflective of practical constraints. This will be marked as part of the complete NEA assessment for practical as per AQA criteria and account for up to a maximum of 25/100 marks.  

    3.2 Design and making principles – Theory 

    Students will build on their knowledge and skills that was established in year 12 and enhance this will taking how product designers take a concept and develop it into a commercially viable product. Students will work through this unit and will have specialised exam practice lessons to establish a good exam technique. This will culminate in both 2 trial exams for this module but also the previous module taught in year 12. 

Learning Impact

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