OCR – NEA Completion and Submission
Geographical skills and fieldwork is a compulsory part of Geography A Level. Students complete a piece of fieldwork led by them independently and written into their NEA worth 20% of their overall grade. Monitored by staff to ensure that students are up to date.
OCR – Earth Life Support Systems
Water and carbon cycled between the land, oceans and atmosphere in open and closed systems, the processes and these cycles are inter-related. Including in depth case studies. Verbal responses, Monitoring of classwork.
OCR Disease Dilemma
Diseases do not discriminate who becomes infected or develops symptoms. Explore the causes of disease and the impacts of them especially an epidemic or a pandemic. Verbal responses, Monitoring of classwork.
OCR – Global Governance. Option C – Human Rights
To explore the processes and flows that occur at the global level and the ways in which these influence people, places and institutions. Including in depth Case Studies. Verbal responses, Monitoring of classwork.
OCR Hazardous Earth
Movement of the Earth’s land masses, from Pangaea to present day. Seismic and volcanic activity creates hazards as populations have grown and in habited more of the Earth. Verbal responses, Monitoring of classwork.