Year 13 – Fine Art

Head of Subject: Mrs J Lord

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

In Year 13 students work on a series of assignments consolidating their personal investigations and complete an externally set task, set by the exam board. 

Students consolidate and apply their learning: 

  • Observational drawing skills, developing their understanding of tone, line and form and how to improve accuracy.  
  • How to research and analyse the work of artists and context, visually and in written form, in order to inform ideas.  
  • How to experiment with ideas and variety of media and techniques in the pursuit of designing exciting and meaningful pieces of art work.  
  • How to apply their knowledge and skills to create personal, meaningful and independent final pieces. 

  • Course Implementation

    Personal Investigation: Contextual Research 

    Students complete and enhance their independent artist and contextual research; improving links, knowledge, context and related experimentation, in order to better inform own ideas. Assessments are based on the quality and presentation of their research and their independent application of the key skills taught; assessments are made against the exam boards 4 assessment objectives across the whole of students’ personal portfolios. 

    Personal Investigation: Observational Drawing 

    Students develop and enhance their observational drawing skills, whilst ensuring, based on research and informed concepts, that they have records of the most appropriate imagery to inform their ideas. Assessments are based on the development and refinement of drawing pages in the students’ portfolios and their independent application of the key skills taught; assessments are made against the exam boards 4 assessment objectives across the whole of students’ personal portfolios. 

    Personal Investigation: Experimentation and Design 

    Students apply their knowledge and understanding of composition and visual language, media and techniques, to create a series of design ideas, experiments and refinements conveying their meaning and intentions, whilst making connections to their research.  Assessments are on based the quality of the design work presented in students’ portfolios and their independent application of the key skills taught; assessments are made against the exam boards 4 assessment objectives across the whole of students’ personal portfolios. 

    Personal Investigation: Final Personal Response 

    Students develop a personal and meaningful final outcome, consolidating the projects learning with the creation of a final piece that realises their intentions, demonstrates understanding of visual language and the application of formal elements. Assessments are made against the exam boards 4 assessment objectives across student’s entire portfolio of work and the quality of their final piece.  

    Personal Investigation: Related Study 

    Students use their developed knowledge and understanding to complete their related studies, communicating how their research, knowledge and contextual understanding has informed their own ideas, critically evaluating their own work. Assessments are based on the quality of their related study; final assessments are made against the exam boards 4 assessment objectives across the whole of students’ personal portfolios. 

    EST: Externally Set Task 

    Students will develop a second portfolio of work based on a choice of thematic starting points set by the exam board; they will choose a focus, carry out contextual research, make records of observations in the form of photographs and drawings, experiment with media and ideas in order to create focused and informed design ideas; producing their final piece in a 15-hour exam. Assessments are made against the exam boards 4 assessment objectives, internally moderated and standardised and externally moderated.  


Learning Impact

The development of knowledge and skills across the year 13 curriculum allows students to consolidate detailed personal investigations, enhancing their confidence and ability to communicate and realise their own ideas in a range of media, whilst focusing on quality outcomes and fostering the independence needed to successfully complete their externally set task.  

Final assessments for each project are made against the exam boards 4 assessment objectives, internally moderated and standardised and externally moderated.  

Students’ achievements and progress against the exam board assessment objectives, will be corresponded to parents through termly data and yearly written reports.  

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