Year 12 – Psychology

Head of Subject: Ms C Simmonds

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

Students will explore a wide range of biological and psychological perspectives designed to give them a brief insight into factors influencing human behaviour. 

  • Course Implementation

    Research Methods 

    This unit covers the variety of ways psychologists gather and interpret data. Students will gain an understanding of experimental and non-experimental methods as well as statistical testing to understand the significance of research. There will in-class formative assessments which will equip students for their summative end of topic assessments. 

    Approaches in Psychology 

    This unit allows students to explore different perspectives in psychology and how they can be used to explain human behaviour. The topic enables students to assess whether behaviour is the result of biological factors e.g. genetics or the result of psychological factors such as the environment. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 

    Social Influence 



    This topic explores social behaviours such as conformity and obedience. Students will study real life atrocities such as the holocaust to understand why this happened and how it can be prevented. Before moving onto study minority influence in order to assess how individuals can bring about social change. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 


    Students will learn about theories of how human memory works and look at explanations of forgetting. This knowledge and understand will enable students to consider how research into memory can be applied to the topic of eyewitness testimony. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 


    For this unit student develop an understanding of how early attachments to caregivers impact on later adult developmentStudents will also look at ways in which attachment types can be assessed using observational techniques as well as develop an understanding of cross culture differences in attachment styles. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 




    This topic explores the term ‘abnormal behaviour’, students gain an understanding of the ways in which abnormal behaviour can be defined, they will also look at the potential problems that this may cause. Before moving onto study three mental health conditions in detail; depression, phobias and obsessive compulsive disorder, students will try to uncover potential causes of these conditions as well as understand how they can be treated. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 

Learning Impact

Knowledge will be assessed through weekly in class assessments that will be peer marked. Teacher assessments will take the form of end of unit tests, timed questions during lessons and regular homework. 
This will be reported to parents by following the school data drop policy and calendar. 

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