NEA Folder work
Students will create a folder of work for the NEA: Project to be decided by the student in collaboration with their teacher ; This will include several pages of relevant research, a specification and design brief, a design & development section, a manufacturing specification, and an ongoing and end evaluation, all bespoke and client driven to solve a real world problem. Students will have a completed design portfolio that will enable them to manufacture their prototype with a clear understanding of the constraints, clients wants and needs, materials and finished and construction techniques. This will be marked as part of the complete NEA assessment for folder work as per AQA criteria and account for up to a maximum of 75/100 marks.
3.1 – Technical Principles – Theory
Students will work through an exhaustive list of the technical aspects of Product Design. Learning about a variety of commercial and industrial manufacturing processes, the legal and moral requirements of product design as well as how products are made commercially viable. Students will be regularly tested using past exam questions, coupled with feedback on all low stakes and high stakes quizzing. Students will also be given trial exam papers at two points during the course which will rigorously test their knowledge of the technical principles of product design.