Year 10 – Spanish

Head of Subject: Mr G Houillon

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

In Year 10 Spanish, students start the new GCSE course and consolidate their ability to understand and respond to written and spoken language around GCSE themes: “Media, Technology”, “Travel and tourism”, “My personal world”, “Lifestyle and Wellbeing” and “Studying and my future”.  
They build-up on their knowledge of previously acquired vocabulary, grammar and phonics, and explore the more advanced aspects of the subject which will help them master the skills necessary to succeed at GCSE. 

  • Course Implementation

    Module 1 “Media and Technology” 

    Students consolidate their use of three tenses with high frequency verbs to discuss sports, online activities, arranging to go out and narrating a past weekend out. They use their ability to formulate questions and practise GCSE role play and carry out an interview in Spanish. Students have to learn between 10-20 words from the GCSE vocab list every week and they are tested on these in class every week. They also get a GCSE-specific homework task such as listening, reading or writing, to prepare them effectively. By the end of the first module, students have been assessed in listening, reading, dictation and speaking (role play task). 

    Module 2 “Travel and Tourism” 



    Students develop their ability to discuss past, general and future holidays. They learn to use new complex structures such as superlative, as well as the imperfect tense. They apply their  skills onto the photo-based conversation GCSE speaking task in Spanish. Students have to learn between 10-20 words from the GCSE vocab list every week and they are tested on these in class every week. They also get a GCSE-specific homework task such as listening, reading or writing, to prepare them effectively. By the end of the module about “Travel and tourism”, students have been assessed in listening, reading and writing (photo-based description + 40-50-words task). 

    Module 3 “My personal world” 

    Students learn to discuss relationships in their family, by using reflexive verbs. They also develop their describing skills in order to define what makes a good friend and a role model. They are introduced to the imperfect tense to narrate their life as a child. They apply their  skills onto the photo-based conversation GCSE speaking task in Spanish. Students have to learn between 10-20 words from the GCSE vocab list every week and they are tested on these in class every week. They also get a GCSE-specific homework task such as listening, reading or writing, to prepare them effectively. By the end of the module about “My personal world”, students have been assessed in listening, reading and grammar. 

    Module 4 “Lifestyle and wellbeing” 

    Students learn about typical diets and how to describe their daily routine. They compare their old and new habits by combining 2 tenses. They also discuss illnesses and injuries by using reflexive verbs, and they explain how they will improve their lifestyle in the future. They consolidate their ability in the GCSE reading aloud and role play speaking tasks. Students have to learn between 10-20 words from the GCSE vocab list every week and they are tested on these in class every week. They also get a GCSE-specific homework task such as listening, reading or writing, to prepare them effectively. By the end of the module “Lifestyle and wellbeing”, students have been assessed in listening, reading, speaking (reading aloud and role play tasks). 

    Module 5 “Studying and my future” 



    Students continue to improve expressing opinions when discussing school subjects, school rules and the school uniform. They learn to use the conditional tense to improve their school, as well as the past tense to narrate a previous school trip. They consolidate their ability in the GCSE photo-based conversation task. Students have to learn between 10-15 words every week and they are tested on these every week. By the end of the module “Studying and my future”, students have completed their first trial examination in all 4 GCSE skills. 

Learning Impact

In each assessment, students develop their ability to cope with GCSE-type tasks in all 4 skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking).  
Once completed, assessments results are shared with students and recorded by teachers. Students are responsible for sharing their results and assessment papers with parents/carers. Assessments results are also shared with parents/carers in termly reports. Our outstanding students receive a certificate to take home, to celebrate their achievement and/or progress. 

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