Year 10 – Physical Education

Head of Subject: Mr R Upson

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

All students will be encouraged to tackle complex and demanding physical activities and get involved in a range of activities that develop personal fitness and promote an active, healthy lifestyle. 

Students who have chosen PE as a GCSE will also develop their knowledge of Anatomy & Physiology and Sports Psychology as well as improving upon their ability to answer exam questions clearly and concisely and developing their practical skills further.  

  • Core PE Course Implementation

    Invasion games 



    Knowledge, skills and understanding will be applied to full context games according to activity interest from a selection of games including basketball, football, bench-ball and handball. Students will be assessed on their engagement in lessons rather their standard of performance, including working to the best of their abilities, working constrictively with their peers, consistent effort and behavioural standards. 

    Net games 



    Again, knowledge, skills and understanding will be applied to full context games according to activity interest from a selection of games including volleyball, badminton, table tennis and tennis. Students will be assessed on their engagement in lessons rather their standard of performance, including working to the best of their abilities, working constrictively with their peers, consistent effort and behavioural standards. 




    The focus in trampolining is on developing confidence when performing and coaching skills in isolation with accuracy and precision and performing combinations of greater complexity on the trampoline that can be used in sequence work. Students will be assessed on their engagement in lessons rather their standard of performance, including working to the best of their abilities, working constrictively with their peers, consistent effort and behavioural standards. 

    Outdoor and Adventurous Activities 



    Problem solving as a team to build trust, relationships, cooperation and collaboration to achieve a shared goal will be the focus through a variety of team building activities. Students will be assessed on their engagement in lessons rather their standard of performance, including working to the best of their abilities, working constrictively with their peers, consistent effort and behavioural standards. 

    Health, fitness and wellbeing 



    Activities with a fitness theme to involve student participation in activities designed to increase their physical, social and mental wellbeing will include bootcamp (addressing physical and mental strength and determination), step and boxercise (where students follow and plan routines), and yoga and walking where mindfulness and relaxation are honed. Students will be assessed on their engagement in lessons rather their standard of performance, including working to the best of their abilities, working constrictively with their peers, consistent effort and behavioural standards. 




    Faster, higher, stronger is the theme to be explored through development of techniques in preferred athletic activities in running, jumping and throwing events. Students will be assessed on their engagement in lessons rather their standard of performance, including working to the best of their abilities, working constrictively with their peers, consistent effort and behavioural standards. 

    Free choice 



    Students will select their preferred physical activities to follow – these may be completely new activities or firm favourites according to group preference. Students will be assessed on their engagement in lessons rather their standard of performance, including working to the best of their abilities, working constrictively with their peers, consistent effort and behavioural standards. 

    Striking and fielding games 

    Again, knowledge, skills and understanding will be applied to full context games according to activity interest from a selection of games including cricket, rounders and softball. Students will be assessed on their engagement in lessons rather their standard of performance, including working to the best of their abilities, working constrictively with their peers, consistent effort and behavioural standards. 


  • GCSE PE Course Implementation

    Structure and function of the musculoskeletal system 

    Students will learn about the major bones and muscles in the body and how they work together to cause movement, the functions of the skeleton and joint structure. Students will be assessed on their knowledge using end of topic tests which use a variety of topic specific exam questions from previous years.  

    Structure and function of the cardio-respiratory system 

    Students will learn about the pathway of air, gaseous exchange, mechanics of breathing, blood vessels, and the cardiac cycle. Students will be assessed on their knowledge using end of topic tests which use a variety of topic specific exam questions from previous years. 

    Anaerobic and aerobic exercise 

    Students will learn the meaning of aerobic and anaerobic exercise and be able to understand specific examples of each, alongside learning about EPOC, oxygen debt and the recovery process after vigorous exercise. Students will be assessed on their knowledge using end of topic tests which use a variety of topic specific exam questions from previous years. 

    Short and long term effects of exercise 

    Students will understand the immediate, short term, and long term, effects of exercise and how they affect an athlete’s body. Students will be assessed on their knowledge using end of topic tests which use a variety of topic specific exam questions from previous years. 

    Movement Analysis  

    Students will understand first, second and third-class lever systems, mechanical advantage, planes and axes. Students will be assessed on their knowledge using end of topic tests which use a variety of topic specific exam questions from previous years. 

    Physical Training 

    Students will understand the relationship between health and fitness, components of fitness and their tests, principles of training, types of training, how to optimise training and prevent injury, seasonal training, warm up, cool down and data analysis. Students will be assessed on their knowledge using end of topic tests which use a variety of topic specific exam questions from previous years. 

Learning Impact

In each assessment, students develop their ability to answer GCSE style questions, using subject specific vocabulary throughout, the year will culminate in and end of year mock exam that will allow students to showcase their ability to answer questions and the knowledge they have developed throughout the year. Once completed, assessments results are recorded and shared with parents and students via end of year reports. (GCSE PE Only)

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