Year 10 – Biology

Head of Subject: Mr C Beech

Any Curriculum enquiries please contact us

Intended Outcomes

The GCSE Biology course is designed to develop students’ scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding, understand the nature, processes and methods of science through scientific enquiries, learn to apply observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and problem-solving skills and develop their ability to evaluate claims through critical analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions, both qualitatively and quantitatively. 

  • Course Implementation




    Students will learn about the human digestive and respiratory systems, how dissolved materials are quickly around the body, the role of enzymes in digestion, the causes and effects of damage to the cardiovascular system, health and diseases (communicable and non-communicable), how interventions can reduce risk, the plant’s transport system and its requirements for photosynthesis. Assessment will be on-going, including retrieval practice homework via Seneca , in topic quizzes and End of topic tests followed by feedback. 

    Infection and Response 



    Students will learn about pathogens and how they cause disease, how to avoid diseases by reducing contact and how the body uses barriers against pathogens, the human immune system, how the body’s natural defence system can be enhanced by the use of vaccination, the development of antibiotics, bacteria resistance and how new drugs are developed. Assessment will be on-going, including retrieval practice homework via Seneca , in topic quizzes and End of topic tests followed by feedback. 




    Students will learn the process of photosynthesis and its limiting factor, how the photosynthetic rate can be increased, how animals and plants use oxygen in aerobic respiration for energy transfer, the process of anaerobic respiration and how respiration is affected during exercise. Assessment will be on-going, including retrieval practice homework via Seneca , in topic quizzes and End of topic tests followed by feedback. 


Learning Impact

Developing knowledge, practical and mathematical skills across the GCSE curriculum will allow students to progress into Year 11 with the ability to analyse more complex scientific ideas; an end of year assessment covering a range of topics learned in Year 10 will allow students to demonstrate the progress they have made in Biology.  
Students’ Working At grades will be produced using an average of the End of Topic assessments; this will also include assessment of practical skills and will be reported to parents based on the whole school assessment calendar for that year. 

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