All of the latest information for examinations, assessments and mocks can be found on this page. Please click on the appropriate link for more information, this page is updated throughout the year.
The examination office is located in B Block: All enquiries should be addressed to Mrs D Bridges, the Examination Officer.
Examinations Certificates
Candidates who sat examinations during the 23/24 exam season can collect their Exam Certificates from Main Reception from Monday 16 December. Certificates can be collected during the school day. Candidates who also sat their Art examinations and would like to collect their Art Portfolios can do so when collecting their Exam Certificates. However, contact must be made with Ms Bridges DBR@bewdley.worcs.sch.uk prior to collection so that portfolios can be brought over to reception ready.
Links to Exam Boards:
Below are a list of useful documents for parents and candidates.