Mr Chauhan & Mrs McDougall – Co-Headteachers
It is a privilege to welcome you to The Bewdley School. We are delighted to have been appointed as Co-Headteachers of The Bewdley School for the Academic year2024/25 during Mr Hadley-Pryce’s sabbatical.
We are now embarking on our eighth year at the school. We know that a successful and happy school depends on all of us working together. As parents of teenage children who have recently sat examinations and younger siblings who are working their way through their own secondary education both of us are fully aware of the demands of parenting and how important the link is with school. The belief that it takes a village to raise a child could not be more relevant in this digital age – only together as a community can we enable all of our young people to achieve their best and be prepared fully for their adult lives.
Through our broad curriculum and our extensive array of extra-curricular opportunities, we provide opportunity for all students to find their passion and to achieve their potential in their chosen pathway. Our school motto is built on students becoming independent and ready for their futures able to “fly with their own wings”. The school has a very established, professional and committed team of teaching and support staff who work tirelessly to provide outstanding learning centered around a true climate of exceptional care and support. The following four pillars guide our areas of focus:
Scholarship – building curiosity, confidence and independent learning habits
Through challenging and supportive teaching, our students are stimulated and enthused to want to learn for the joy of new knowledge and skills. Though they see the utility of what they learn, they also see deeper rewards and develop a hunger for lifelong learning.
Character – developing skills and maturing personality to have a positive influence on the world
Individual growth is fundamental to education, its nature being shaped by the values of the school. Ready for life’s challenges with compassion and consideration for others, our students develop courage, resilience and humility through strong and lasting friendships.
Opportunity – ensuring a diverse range of opportunities, to speak to every child’s passions
Our well-rounded curriculum is elevated on a broad and rich platform of opportunity, through extensive partnership programmes and clubs. Overseas visits expand our students’ horizons whilst university projects and outdoor expeditions stretch and challenge their thinking.
Partnership – working as a team with our community, building social skilled young people
Community action takes our students into the heart of Bewdley, enriched and supported by local business and commerce. Our students are internationally aware and take opportunities to work with students from across the globe.
The pupils at The Bewdley School are a credit to their families and ambassadors of the school. We are privileged to have been given the opportunity to lead The Bewdley School this academic year. If you would like to come and visit in person, please make contact and we are happy to arrange a tour for you.
Mr D Chauhan – Co-Headteacher
Originally from South Birmingham, Mr Chauhan was educated at The University of Central England and completed a BA (Hons) degree in Business Management and Marketing and then a PGCE at Staffordshire University in in 2001. Prior to his educational career, he had a successful career in the automotive industry. His teaching career began at his former secondary school and then quickly progressed to an all boy’s school in inner city Birmingham where he left as Assistant Head Teacher in 2013 to become Deputy Head Teacher at Broadway Academy. Mr Chauhan joined the Bewdley School as Deputy Head Teacher in September 2017. Having been a senior leader for 14 years, 11 of which have been as a Deputy Headteacher, he has a broad educational leadership skillset ranging from pastoral and behaviour, safeguarding, sixth form, curriculum and leadership coaching. Outside of school, Mr Chauhan has two teenage children and is an avid Arsenal supporter as well as a keen interest in world travel.
Mrs C McDougall – Co-Headteacher
Mrs McDougall read for a BSc in Biochemistry at The University of Manchester, working in industry before completing a PGCE at The University of Birmingham. Mrs McDougall was appointed as an Assistant headteacher in 2007 and as such has gathered a wide range of School Leadership experience including primary transition, sixth form, curriculum, timetabling, community outreach, assessment, examinations, careers and leading on STEM. Whilst her children were younger Mrs McDougall was the Vice Chair of Governors for the local primary school and she completed her NPQH in 2019. Her personal interests include outdoor education and the importance of experiences of the natural world for young people as such she is a Trustee of the Discovery Society as well as sitting on the committee for Worcestershire Youth Sailing Association.
Mr Hadley Pryce – Head Teacher
During next academic year I will be undertaking my unpaid sabbatical which will allow me to progress my PhD research in Ocean Science. The school will be led by Mr Chauhan and Mrs McDougall as Co-Head Teacher’s in my absence. We have been leading the school together for the last 7 years, and as two extremely experienced Deputy Heads we are very lucky to have them. I am grateful to them both and to our governors for making this year of research possible for me, and I am sure the school will go from strength to strength under their leadership.

Mr Hadley-Pryce read for a BSc in Theoretical Physics at the University of Kent, and having worked as Head of Physics, Head of Sixth Form, SENCO and Deputy Head,he is now in his third Headship at The Bewdley School. After spending his twenties in industry, Dave has worked in secondary schools for 30 years, 15 of them as a Head Teacher. He has been a school governor at his children’s primary school as well as during his three Headships, totaling 20 years of school governance. In 2022 he initiated the formation of The Bewdley School Foundation to support the school, which is a partnership between The Bewdley School, Bewdley Festival and Bewdley Civic Society. He is currently a Director and Chair of the Foundation.
During his first and second Headships he was commissioned as a Squadron Leader with the RAF volunteer reserve, supporting an active CCF in both schools. In hiscurrent role he has taken a more active role with outdoor education, training as a Lowland Leader to support Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions. More recently he has trained as a PADI registered advanced open water diver, to support school expeditions to biodiversity hotspots with Operation Wallacea. He has been a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts since 2013 and completed his MSc in Educational Management and Leadership, with the University of Worcester in 2015. He is currently studying part-time for a PhD in Ocean Science with the Bangor University.