Year 9 – Computer Science

Head of Subject: Mr C Mueller

Intended Outcomes

Students will have the chance to bring together all of their knowledge from the previous two years and apply it to learning to program in Python, everything from basic inputs to reading and writing to text files, computing theory, physical programming and 3D modelling all feature also.  

  • Course Implementation

    Python Programming  

    Students will have the chance to consolidate their programming knowledge from the previous two years, with an emphasis on more advanced concepts such as data structures, iterative loops and reading and writing to text files. Students will spend time skill building, ultimately working towards challenges to real world problems, to aid their progress towards this, students will have weekly verbal feedback and complete regular multiple-choice quizzes.  

    Advanced Computing Theory  

    Students will build upon previous knowledge from their last two years, looking deeper into hardware, software, binary, text, images, networking, binary logic and sorting algorithms.  Students will be completing weekly theory tasks and developing specific Computing theory knowledge, to aid their progress towards this, students will have weekly verbal feedback and complete regular multiple-choice quizzes.  

    3D Modelling in Blender  

    Students will be exposed to the creative side of Computing and be exposed to advanced skill building in a 3D environment, skills in box modelling, texturing, rendering, animating and working to client briefs will all be developed so students can apply these skills in a future media industry. Students will be completing weekly theory tasks and developing specific Computing theory knowledge, to aid their progress towards this, students will have weekly verbal feedback and complete regular multiple-choice quizzes.  

    Physical Computing  

    Students will further embed key programming concepts, utilizing sequence, selection and iteration to apply them to a real-world environmental activity, ensuring responsible use of electricity as a power source. Students will gain further physical computing experience utilising the Microbits Students will be working towards completing a challenge to an environmental brief and skill building along as they go, to aid their progress towards this, students will have weekly verbal feedback and complete regular multiple-choice quizzes.  

Learning Impact

Python programming brings programming knowledge gained from the previous two years and embedded and builds upon this knowledge, students skills are assessed and encouraged through weekly challenges which progressively become more difficult. This is teacher marked with individual written feedback provided.  

Computing theory aims to develop Computing knowledge through more developed understanding of key topics from previous years, this is developed over time and adds to knowledge weekly. This is teacher marked with individual written feedback provided.  

3D modelling in Blender is designed as a skill building course which progressively adds more challenge in a manageable way, usually through exposure to one or two skills a week which are embedded and continually developed through weekly challenges. This is teacher marked with individual written feedback provided.  

Physical computing gives students the chance to tackle problem solving from a real-world perspective, this is a larger project that takes several weeks to complete. This is teacher marked with individual written feedback provided.  

Parents will be informed through the use of a mix of school reports, parents evenings and intervention from the classroom teacher as needed.  

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