Year 12 – Geography

Head of Subject: Mrs G Bodman

Intended Outcomes

Students follow OCR A-level Geography Syllabus.

  • Course Implementation

    OCR – Landscapes Systems. Option A Coastal Landscapes

    An understanding of the Earth’s surface processes, together with their associated transfers of energy and movements of materials underpins the landscape systems topic. Including in depth Case studies. Verbal responses, Monitoring of classwork. 

    OCR Changing Spaces and Making Places

    Exploration of the relationships and connections between people, the economy, and society and how these contribute to creating places. Including in depth Case Studies. Verbal responses, Monitoring of classwork. 

    OCR – Global Connections – Option B – Global Migration

    To explore the processes and flows that occur at the global level and the ways in which these influence people, places and institutions. Including in depth Case Studies. Verbal responses, Monitoring of classwork. 

    OCR – NEA Preparation and Geographical Fieldwork Skills 

    Geographical skills and fieldwork is a compulsory part of Geography A Level. Students complete a piece of fieldwork led by them independently and written into their NEA worth 20% of their overall grade. Monitored by staff to ensure that students are up to date.  

Learning Impact

Exam questions. Mock exams and end of unit assessments using OCR assessment materials. NEA can only be comment on generically following the OCR Geography Guidance.  

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