Year 12 – Digital Media

Head of Subject: Mr S Birmingham

Intended Outcomes

Students will develop their understanding of how the media influences society via advertisement whilst understanding how media organizations develop products to suit their targeted demographic. 

  • Course Implementation

    Unit 20 – Advertising media 

    Students will analyse existing advertising campaigns which have impacted upon society both negatively and positively, whilst also planning, creating and evaluating their own campaign for a local coffee company Students will be assessed against the marking grids provided by the examination board, OCR.  

    Unit 2 – Pre-Production 

    Students will combine their learning from the planning element of Unit 20, and develop their knowledge of pre-production documentation which the media industry undertake Students will complete questions taken from previous examination which are then internally marked as well has completing Socrative quizzes based on prior learning.  

    Unit 3 – Creating a media product 

    As part of their media product design, students will create a front cover and double page spread based on a Bewdley brief, which will recap on their learning from demographic requirements as well as pre-production documentation. Students will be assessed against the marking grids provided by the examination board, OCR. 


Learning Impact

All modules throughout both years 12 & 13 have linked assessment meaning learning is ever-evolving and students have plenty of opportunity to develop their understanding, knowledge and skills. This will be report via traditional methods of assessments and trial exams.  

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