Year 10 – Sociology

Head of Subject: Ms C Simmonds

Intended Outcomes

Students will develop their sociological knowledge to explore more complicated issues such as crime and education and be able to apply real life examples to the theory learnt in the classroom. 

  • Course Implementation

    Education (Part 2) 

    Students will complete their exploration of education (started in Year 09) to finally consider why certain groups in society seems to do better in education and reasons we could use to explain these differences. Mini knowledge quizzes and writing tasks that lead to an end of unit assessment. 

    Crime and Deviance 

    Students will explore reasons for why crime happens, using real life examples and look at how we tackle crime, for example does prison really work? Mini knowledge quizzes and writing tasks that lead to an end of unit assessment. 


Learning Impact

Application of theory to real life will be key, which will be assessed via past papers questions. Key knowledge is still assessed via weekly ‘flashback’ tests to see how well they can recall previously learnt knowledge.  

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