Year 10 – Psychology

Head of Subject: Miss V Mistry

Intended Outcomes

Students will deepen their understanding and knowledge of non experimental methods such as questionnaires, observations and interviews, before exploring the world of social psychology and the development of intelligence. 

  • Course Implementation

    Research Methods (Part 2) 

    Students now having already explored the fundamentals of psychology experimental methods, will add further techniques to their experimental design; such as observations and questionnaires. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 


    This topic focuses on early brain development. Students will also look at a theories of intelligence in order to gain an understanding of how they can be applied to education. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 

    Social Influence 

    This topic explores social behaviours such as conformity and obedience. Students will study real life atrocities such as the holocaust to understand why this happened and how it can be prevented. Students will complete a variety of examination style questions in lessons which will equip them with the necessary skills for an end of topic test. 


    Students will learn about the differences between sensation and perception. Enabling them to understand different illusions such as Rubin’s vase. Students will also explore the extent to which perception is influenced by nature or nurture. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways via examination style questions in lessons, timed essays and short quizzes. This will give students the necessary skills in preparation for end of topic assessments. 


Learning Impact

Key knowledge will be monitored through the use of half-term assessments. This will be accompanied by low stake quizzing within lessons and assigned homework that will develop exam skills. 
Assessments will be reported to parents via following school data drop policy and calendar. 

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