Year 10 – History

Head of Subject: Mrs S Barnes

Intended Outcomes

Students continue examining the causes and impacts of War and British Society for their paper 2 unit plus they will develop their skills of analysis as they cover paper 3 the personal rule of Charles I to restoration and Kenilworth castle. 

  • Course Implementation Continuation of War and British Society c.790 to c2010; Paper 2, British Thematic study

    Continuation of War and British Society c.790 to c2010; Paper 2, British Thematic study 

    Second order historical concepts such as causation, change and historical significance  to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the relationship between war and society over a long period of British history, this includes a broad sweep of time which covers the impact of different types of warfare, attitudes and responses to war, impacts of the war on people and impacts of the war on government and politics. Review of student’s work, hinge questions, quizzing, homework and online quizzes created by the history dept. 

    A study of the historic environment: Kenilworth Castle 

    How to analyse and evaluate different types of source material and explain how historians and archaeologists examine the physical fabric of Kenilworth and accompanying documentation to explore the form and function of Kenilworth castle throughout time. Review of student’s work, hinge questions, quizzing, homework and online quizzes created by the history dept. 

    British depth study Personal Rule to Restoration

    Analyse, evaluate and use sources (contemporary to the period) to make substantiated judgements, in the context of the political and religious tensions which led to war, divisions within Parliament and key individuals and groups, the nature and extent of political and religious change in the period. Review of student’s work, hinge questions, quizzing, homework and online quizzes created by the history dept. 


Learning Impact

Assessments will focus on knowledge, understanding, explanation and analysis through exam board questions and specific department made online quizzes, Yr 10 exam will be a combination of questions across the different exam papers studied. 
Reports will indicate how well students can recall and apply knowledge, analyse ideas, evaluate sources and make substantiated judgements in line with their knowledge of War and Society in Britain AD793- 2010, The personal Rule of Charles I to Restoration and Kenilworth castle. 

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