French Year 10 & 11

Year 10 French Course Modules

  • Edexcel 1FR0: Year 10 Le Temps des loisirs (Free time)

    Module 1

    Talking about sport.

    Talking about using technology.

    Discussing reading habits and music.

    Talking about TV programmes.

    Talking about actors and films.

    Talking about a night out with friends.

    Grammar points: using “depuis”, present tense, comparative, superlative, perfect tense, imperfect tense, Direct Object Pronouns.

    Assessment: writing + listening GCSE tasks.

  • Edexcel 1FR0: Year 10 Jours ordinaire, jours de fête (Culture and traditions)

    Module 2

    Describing your daily life.

    Shopping for clothes.

    Describing festivals and traditions.

    Using polite language.

    Talking about shopping for a special meal.

    Describing family celebrations.

    Grammar points: using modal verbs, demonstrative adjectives, using the pronoun “en”, asking questions, using “venir de…”, future tenses.

    Assessment: speaking + reading GCSE tasks.

  • Edexcel 1FR0: Year 10 Là où j’habite (Town / Region)

    Module 3

    Describing a region.

    Finding out tourist information.

    Discussing what to see and do.

    Discussing plans and the weather.

    Talking about your town, village or neighbourhood.

    Discussing community projects.

    Grammar points: superlative, using the pronoun “y”, negatives, questioning, “si” clauses.

    Assessment: writing + listening GCSE tasks.

  • Edexcel 1FR0: Year 10 Au collège (School – Education)

    Module 4

    Giving opinions on school subjects and facilities.

    Talking about your school and school in France.

    Discussing rules and regulations.

    Talking about school activities.

    Talking about success at school.

    Talking about a school exchange.

    Grammar points: using “il/elle”, using “ils/elles”, using “il faut/il est interdit de”, imperative, imperfect tense.

    Assessment: speaking + reading GCSE tasks.

Year 11 French Course Modules

  • Edexcel 1FR0: Year 11 Le grand large (Holiday and travel)

    Module 1

    Talking about an ideal holiday.

    Booking and reviewing hotels.

    Ordering in a restaurant.

    Talking about travelling.

    Buying souvenirs.

    Talking about holiday disasters.

    Grammar points: conditional tense, reflexive verbs in the perfect tense, using “en” + present participle, Using “avant de…”, demonstrative articles and pronouns, pluperfect tense.

    Assessment: speaking + reading GCSE tasks.

  • Edexcel 1FR0: Year 11 Un oeil sur le monde (International and global dimension)

    Module 2

    Discussing weather and natural disasters.

    Discussing problems facing the world.

    Talking about protecting the environment.

    Discussing ethical shopping.

    Talking about volunteering.

    Discussing big events.

    Grammar points: simple future tense, modal verbs, passive mood, indirect object pronouns, emphatic pronouns.

    Assessment: writing + listening GCSE tasks.

  • Edexcel 1FR0: Year 11 Bon travail (Aspirations, study and work)

    Module 3

    Discussing career choices.

    Discussing work preferences.

    Talking about plans, hopes and wishes.

    Discussing the importance of languages.

    Applying for jobs.

    Talking about how you earn money.

    Discussing work experience.

    Grammar points: saying “better/worse/best/worst”, conditional tense, future tense, adverbs, subjunctive mood, direct object pronouns in the perfect tense.

    Assessment: speaking + reading GCSE tasks.

  • Edexcel 1FR0: Year 11 General revision

    Module 4

    Students prepare effective resources to revise for their examinations. These resources should include key vocabulary and grammar points.

    Students also complete a range of GCSE tasks prior to their external examination, with focus on the skills that they find most challenging.

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