Author Archives: The Bewdley School

We have been made aware of a small electrical fire that has taken place at the leisure centre. We can confirm that none of our students were present at the time. We are liaising with the fire service and leisure centre staff. The leisure centre will remain closed during the national restrictions and we will… Read more

As we have now entered lockdown and during the current national restrictions we need to emphasise the importance of your child adhering to the safety control measures adopted by the school. We have had a very small minority of students who either fail to bring in a face covering and/or refuse to wear their face covering…. Read more

As the weather begins to turn more wintery and temperatures begin to drop, it is more important than ever that students attend school with coats / appropriate number of layers on. As part of our risk assessment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic all classrooms doors will remain open, as well as classroom windows to… Read more

We hope you have had a restful half-term break, as you will be aware, we removed tutor time from our school day in order to stagger the start and end times, but as students are moving at the same time during the rest of the day, this has not proved to be necessary. We are… Read more

We have two governor vacancies at present which we need to fill as soon as possible. These are either for a parent and a co-opted governor. Parent governors are elected by and from the parents of children currently attending our school. They serve a four-year term of office and bring a very important and valued… Read more

As you are all aware, we currently have a year group at home self-isolating and the national restrictions are continually being updated, with infection rates rising. Against this background we have some updates regarding school events and procedures: Our Year 11 Prom which could not take place in the summer, and so was scheduled later… Read more

We are writing to inform you that we have been notified that a member of staff has tested positive for COVID-19. Data protection requirements obviously make the identity of the member of staff confidential. We have been liaising with Public Health England and the local Health Protection Team and I can confirm that the individual… Read more

Please click the link below to see attached letter from the Head Teacher in relation to a single confirmed COVID-19 case within the setting. Click Here Thursday 1 October – Letter from Head Teacher

Public Health England have sent this letter to all schools to be shared with parent/carers. The letter contains important information about symptoms, testing and track and trace. Click Here to download a copy of the letter As well as this, we would like to remind parent/carers of the following: • Please ensure that your child… Read more

We have received a number of queries in relation to work being completed or set if students are off school. Work will be set through Show My Homework or Microsoft Teams if students are off: a – because they are isolating due to COVID19 symptoms, b – becuase they are isolating through a family member having symptoms c-  through any… Read more

As we welcome back students this week this is a brief update with some reminders. School returns for year 7 and year 12 transition on Wednesday 2 September and for the rest of the school on Thursday 3 September. Normal arrival and leaving times, with segregated waiting areas, will be: Years 7/8 – 8:50 to … Read more

Further to our updated advice on the wearing of face masks during lesson change on Tuesday 25th August, please find our updated Risk Assessment Addendum here. You can also find a more user friendly version with changes highlighted in yellow here. New Risk Assessment New Risk Assessment with highlighted changes.