Author Archives: The Bewdley School

I am writing to you to thank you for your unswerving support in these very challenging times. I know that the return to school will be a time of some anxiety for many students and parents, and wanted to offer some reassurance about procedures as we return. This Easter will be the end of my… Read more

We are delighted to announce the launch of ‘The Bewdley School 200 Club’ lottery with a cash prize each month of £150. Each member pays £5 per month to be entered into the prize draw; as membership is limited to 200 the chances of winning are very high! This is a really easy way to have some… Read more

As we approach the start of returning to school we have booked access to an exciting motivational and wellbeing speaker to inspire you all into a fresh start on return to school. This event is from 12.30 – 2.30 on Wednesday 3rd March. To access this event Vimeo or YouTube Lessons will therefore stop after lesson… Read more

As you all know, the Prime Minister has announced the return of schools from Monday 8 March. Secondary schools have been asked to phase this return so that all students who have consented can be COVID-19 tested. The most significant change in school is that all students are asked to wear face coverings in all… Read more

Thanks to our excellent Site Team who have worked tirelessly today, school will be open for our Critical Worker and Vulnerable children tomorrow, Tuesday 26 January. As access from some estate roads is still challenging we are making changes to some scheduled activities: HPV vaccinations for year 10 girls are moved from tomorrow (Tuesday 26… Read more

Due to hazardous conditions on site, the early decision has been taken to close the school site on Monday 25 January. Following a site inspection, sections of our school site are currently threatened by flood water along with the rest of the site covered by the current heavy snowfall. The weather forecast is for minus… Read more

We are delighted with the overall attendance from student to online lessons. Last week we have delivered 1986 live lessons which students attended and engaged with well. We would like to advice parents/carers that there will be no live lessons on Tuesday 26th January. Teachers will be using this day to evaluate the engagement of students with… Read more

Following regular meeting with the Worcestershire Health Team, we are updating you on some key messages. ‘Minor’ illnesses There is an increased incidence of COVID-19, including the new more infectious strain, in our community. We are therefore asking students and staff who have any illness, however mild, to stay at home until fully recovered. There… Read more

To support students with organisation of their day and accessing remote learning, we have produced the attached “Lockdown Self Help Guide”. This is not intended as an exhaustive document, but rather as a pointer to key features and information to support students working remotely. Hopefully, much of the information in this document will be familiar… Read more

We write to update you on our COVID-19 testing plans following the latest lockdown announcement. Before going into detail, we must apologise for our publication of a Department for Education template letter, which was sent to parents at the end of last term. The content of the letter was questioned by some parents, and it… Read more

We write following this evening’s announcement by the Prime Minister. Most students will now not be attending school until after February half term at the earliest, which will obviously have a massive impact on our students and families. We will communicate again as more information is released by the Department for Education, particularly regarding GCSEs… Read more

Further to our announcement on Wednesday we would like to offer more detail on our reopening arrangements. Practicalities Exam certificates will be given out from Activity Studio as planned on Monday 4 January. Those coming into school for examinations next week, please report to reception where you will be directed to your exam room. The… Read more