Firstly, we would like to thank parents/carers for their ongoing support over the past year. Year 8 have managed to settle well since returning to school in March and are continuing to work hard during this summer term. We are looking forward to Year 8 starting their creative taster options in September and timetables will… Read more
Author Archives: The Bewdley School
Today we have received notification that the confirmatory PCR test, relating to Tuesday 11 May positive LFD test, has given a NEGATIVE result. This means that all students required to isolate can now return. As a result, we are pleased to advise that we now have no confirmed cases within the school community at this… Read more
Since our return in March we have been thrilled with how our students have adapted and settled back into ‘normal’ school life again. Despite the many challenges students have faced, their resilience and determination is to be commended. As we move into the Summer term we would like to take this opportunity to remind of… Read more
We are firstly pleased to advise we have today received notification that the confirmatory PCR test relating to yesterday’s (10 May) positive LFD test has given a NEGATIVE RESULT. This means that all students required to isolate can now return. However, we have had a further confirmed case of COVID-19 within the setting by Public Health…. Read more
We have been advised by Public Health that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the setting. We are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with Public Health. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and provide advice on how to support your child. Please be… Read more
Year 9 is an important transition year from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4. To support this transition, we are making the move to give students some limited choices in the subjects that they study from the start of Year 9. We are asking that all students choose 3 subjects from the following list. … Read more
Home testing continues to play a crucial role, in and out of school to help protect our community against COVID-19. We would like to thank you for your continued support in completing these tests, which is testament to the near 4000 tests that have been completed since home testing started. We are aware that students… Read more
We are writing to update you on assessments this half term for Year 11 and Year 13 students. As a school we are currently working very hard to establish the best evidence we can to support your Son / Daughter to achieve the best grades possible. We are required to build a bank of evidence… Read more
We hope you had a peaceful and restful Easter break and spring (at long last!) seems to be with us. May we start by congratulating the vast majority of students that have attended school in the correct uniform and with the correct equipment. Please could we encourage all parents/carers to ensure students continue this and… Read more
The Easter break is nearly upon us and we wish all of our parents/carers and students a restful and relaxing break. None of us could have predicted the situation over the last 12 months, and even now things are constantly changing. As a school, we do not receive any information from the Government before you… Read more
Thank you to the members of our school community who have begun participating in the LFD testing from home. The first test was due to take place yesterday (Sunday 28 March) and by doing so keeps everyone within our community safe. Please remember that once you have completed your LFD test that you must submit… Read more
Today as previously communicated is the final day of whole school assisted COVID-19 testing. All students have now been issued with their home test kits, with Years 7 & 8 test kits coming home today. Home testing will commence from Sunday 28 March and will follow the testing schedule as highlighted on the email sent… Read more