Author Archives: The Bewdley School

We invite Parent/Carers to attend our Virtual Year 10 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 17 March. Appointments will be available between 4pm and 6.30pm, with the exception of Mrs Howard and Mrs Beech. Mrs Howard and Mrs Beech are both available to book on Wednesday, 16th March. This is an important evening and provides parents/carers with… Read more

Although the school continues to see cases of COVID within the school community, there are some signs that life in school may be returning to the pre-pandemic normal. This term so far, we have been able to welcome audiences into the school to enjoy the 2 evening performances of the Willy Russell play “Our Day… Read more

We are pleased to announce, our termly Sixth Form Enrichment magazine is back and is now available to view online. We are delighted to showcase students’ achievements, especially in these challenging times, and have lots of interesting articles and news such as ‘The Will Mills Centre’ which is opening soon, along with ‘The Youth Hub’,… Read more

Vaccination UK will shortly be offering children aged 12 to 15 second dose of the COVID-19 vaccination within school. As with all doses, this vaccination is free of charge, and our priority is to make it easy for our students to access their vaccine. If students have not yet had their first COVID-19 vaccination, or… Read more

A Happy New Year to all, and a warm welcome back to school to all students. As you will know, all schools have been asked to offer onsite testing to all students, to ensure that every student has the opportunity to be tested once. The tests that the government have supplied for our testing centre… Read more

As this term comes to an end, it is a chance to reflect on a long and busy few months for the school and a year that has to be the most difficult in terms of having some stability and normal schooling pattern. We are so thankful for the hard work, determination and resilience that… Read more

We write to clarify our end of term arrangements for Wednesday 15th, Thursday 16th and Friday 17th December 2021, which will be an early finish. These last 3 days of term will be non-uniform ‘Christmas Jumper’ days. Students will be asked to make a £2 charitable donation, which will used to fund our School outdoor… Read more

We invite Parent/Carers to attend our Virtual Year 8 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 18 November. Appointments will be available between 4pm and 6.30pm, With exception of, classes 8F/French with Mr Willis, 8X/Te2 and 8Y/Te2 with Mrs Ransom, will be held on the 17th November. This is an important evening and provides parents/carers with an opportunity… Read more

It is my sad duty to inform you that we have tragically lost a member of our support team to COVID-19. Patrick Cannon was diagnosed just over 2 weeks ago, and subsequently taken into hospital where he was supported with a respirator and fought the illness for just over a week. We are heartbroken that… Read more

I write to you at the end of what is probably the most challenging half term in my 14 years as a Head Teacher. Whilst throughout the whole of last school year we had 26 students and 6 staff infected with COVID-19. In the 7 weeks since the summer holidays we have had 229 students… Read more

Vaccination UK will soon be offering COVID-19 vaccinations in school. We are writing to offer the opportunity for our students to receive a single dose of the vaccine while attending school. The main purpose of the COVID-19 school age vaccination programme is to provide protection to the children who receive the vaccine and it may… Read more

As promised last Thursday, with Year 8 at home today and tomorrow to conduct their learning online, we have this morning reviewed our COVID-19 infection levels. Despite the return of many students following their 10 day self-isolation, our infection rates amongst staff and students remain stubbornly high, at around 10% in each of Years 7… Read more