Author Archives: The Bewdley School

During October half-term, Deputy Head Teacher Mr Chauhan along with other school leaders from Schools of Tomorrow (SoTo) visited China as part of the first SoTo international delegation. SoTo is a member-owned social enterprise that brings schools together through a shared commitment to the four quadrants of educational delivery; highest levels of achievement, highest levels… Read more

Parents/Carers play a crucial role in student success, and getting started with Eedi will help parents to stay informed and help provide targeted support at home. To start using Eedi, you just need to create a parent account by following these simple steps: Go to Select Parent to create your account. Enter the students unique code. Students should… Read more

Congratulations to all the Year 8 InterAct Young Rotarians who collaborated with Year 12 to host a homemade cake, cookies and sweet stall at breaktime on Thursday 25 October. The stall raised £200 for Cornerstone Nursery & Primary School in Uganda. The students have a goal to eventually raise £1000 in order will to buy… Read more

On Tuesday 16 October Bewdley Sixth Formers attended The Bewdley Festival to hear the poet, author and Oxford University lecturer, Simon Armitage, read from his works. As arguably Britain’s most widely read poet students knew were in for a treat. Tom in Year 12 commented that “He immersed the audience and his poems were full… Read more

On Wednesday 24 October at 7pm, students will be performing in the Rotary Music Showcase. Students will be performing a range of pieces and promises to be an evening of entertainment and music. Tickets are available for £5 via Ipay or via the School Reception.  

Firstly, thank you for the huge support that parents gave to Head Teachers who campaigned for improved school funding at Westminster on Friday 28 September. Over 2000 head teachers attended in London with many more supporting their actions too. It is clear from the emails that colleagues and Head Teachers received, that parents overwhelmingly support the need… Read more

Today is World Mental Health Awareness day. Our mental health is just like our physical health; everybody has it and we need to take care of it. Mental health problems affect around one in four people in any given year. They range from common problems such as anxiety and depression, to rarer problems such as… Read more

Our school has been given the opportunity to take part in a national project, which is being run locally in partnership with Worcestershire County Council and West Mercia Police. Operation Encompass is a process whereby the police and county council will inform a member of staff if a child or young person has experienced any… Read more

With so many options available for students after GCSE’s and A Level’s, it’s not always clear which is the best path to take. On Thursday 18 October Worcestershire Apprenticeships will be hosting an apprenticeship show, which will give students an opportunity to discuss options available and discover if an apprenticeship is right for them.

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at The Bewdley School. We can only be successful in keeping all of our children safe online if we work with you to ensure that online safety messages are consistent and that all members of the community behave safely and appropriately online. Please see below… Read more

For Parents/carers who were unable to attend the Madrid Trip presentation on 4 October, there is a downloadable copy of the presentation below. Madrid Parent Presentation If you require further information, or have any questions please contact the school reception or email  

Year 11 Parents’ Evening is on Tuesday 16 October from 4.15-6.30pm, this is an important evening and provides parents with an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress at school. We recommend that students accompany parents/carers in order to be part of the feedback process. Appointments can be made from 5pm on the 4 October 2018… Read more