Author Archives: The Bewdley School

West Mercia Police will be carry out security marking for members of our community on Wednesday 16 January between 3 – 4pm on our main school car park. Anyone can bring along their bicycles and other high value items such as tablets and phones to be security marked.

Year 9 students today have received their immunisation packs for their Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio and Meningitis injections. Forms must be completed and returned to school even if parents/carers decide not to immunise their child. Injections will take place on Tuesday 29 January in school. Completed forms can either be handed back to Tutors, or placed… Read more

Do you shop online? Did you know you can raise money for The Bewdley School through your everyday online shopping? If you shop via Easy Fundraising you help raise funds for The Bewdley School, with over 3,300 big name retailers and stores including Tesco, Asda, Morrisons and Sainsburys – when you do your weekly shop,… Read more

Year 11 Students on Thursday will be receiving their trial exam results, which will be followed by a session called ‘Ace Your Exams’ which will be presented by Elevate Education. This session will support students with methods for revising and provide further guidance and advice in preparation for their GCSE exams. After school Elevate Education… Read more

As another year draws to a close, this year more than most has seen extensive work put in to developing our schools network and communication systems. Over the year the school has seen a brand new network installed and a huge refresh of computers throughout. A lot of this work would not of been possible… Read more

Today over 1000 students have received awards to celebrate their achievements in school. Students have received a range of awards including ‘Subject Excellence’, ‘Most Improved’, ‘Attitude to Learning’, ‘100% Attendance’ and ‘Values at Bewdley’ Awards. Students have been awarded these awards for either their efforts in lessons, or for their contributions towards the school community…. Read more

Today Mr Birmingham and Mr Whordley took 13 Year 10 Ambassadors to the Worcester Foodbank to donate The Bewdley School’s contributions. For the past 2 weeks students, staff and the community have been donating food, gifts and supplies. We are thrilled to announce we donated nearly 1300 items to the Food Bank! Baldwin – 258… Read more

On Tuesday 18 December over 100 students from Years 7 to 13 performed to a full house in the first of our Christmas Concerts. Students performed a range of songs and everyone played fantastically. If you missed our first concert, don’t worry we have made a highlights video! Merry Christmas from everyone at The Bewdley… Read more

As we approach the end of another busy term we would like to take this opportunity to thank parents/carers for the support they have given both to our students and to the school. We would like to remind parents/carers that this term ends on Friday 21 December at 12.40pm. School will re-open for all students on… Read more

All students will finish early for Christmas on Friday 21 December at 12.40. For students who get the bus, it has been arranged that the school buses will collect students at the earlier time. This is with the exception of the 292 Diamond bus, which is a public service bus. Any students who use this… Read more

Our Christmas Dinner for students will be on Thursday 20 December and promises to be a festive treat. The Menu options for our Christmas Dinner are: Turkey Breast, Chipolata Sausage, Stuffing & Gravy Chef’s Vegetarian Special (Both served with roast & creamed potatoes, peas, carrot batons & sprouts) A selection of Desserts including: Festive Pudding… Read more

We are extremely excited to announce the launch of our very own YouTube channel! Our channel provides an opportunity to see all the fantastic events, trips and activities that have taken place at The Bewdley School over the last year. Looking back it is clear to see that it has been an action packed year,… Read more