Author Archives: The Bewdley School

Please see our letter from Head Teacher Mr Hadley-Pryce reviewing this half term and providing information about Uniform, Mental Health and Emotional Support and Ready to Learn information. We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a restful half term. Head Teachers Letter February 2019

On Tuesday 12 February Mrs Howard – Head of Sixth Form launched the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) with Year 12, EPQ is described by the Department for Education as ‘A single extended piece of work which requires a high degree of planning, preparation, research and autonomous work, providing valuable additional evidence for entry to higher… Read more

Year 8 InterAct students funded a surprise Valentine’s Day for the children at Cornerstones Nursey & Primary School in Uganda by providing them with cakes and biscuits. Year 8 InterAct students wanted to let children in Uganda know how much they cared about their education and well being. 100% of the children have passed their… Read more

Yesterday a group of Year 12 and Year 8 students attended a filming workshop at school, led by a team of creative filmmakers from DRPG , the Worcestershire-based Creative Communications Agency. During the workshop the students discovered how to plan a documentary film and the importance of creating perfect lighting techniques. They also learnt how to capture… Read more

A group of Bewdley Sixth Form students attended a ‘Kick Start’ meeting with the Events Team from DRPG, a Worcestershire based Creative Communications Agency. During the meeting the students discovered how to design a planning strategy for the British Council Connecting Classrooms Global Happiness Conference, that will be held at The Bewdley School, later in… Read more

Congratulations to Year 8 InterAct students, who have raised £244 on their successful Valentine’s Event. The students sold personalised Valentine’s gifts and sweets, which they delivered during tutor time. This would not have been possible without the support of some Year 12 students who helped to make the event a success. The money raised goes… Read more

As we approach the GCSE Exams, every week we will be releasing a series of exam based questions for students to use for revision. Here is week 3 of Maths questions, the questions will follow the order of topics from JustMaths Online. Along with the questions there will be a copy of the solutions, so… Read more

Last night there was a wonderful atmosphere at our Rush Hour recital at All Saints Church. Up and coming musicians played a range of musical styles from classical to jazz. There even was a special appearance from our Acapella group, congratulations to Dylan, Phoebe, Becky, Georgia, Connie and Lillie for their fantastic performances

Congratulations to Tom A in Year 8 who at the weekend came joint second in the standing triple jump in his age range at the County Regional Finals. Over the winter, Tom has been taking part in the Athletics league representing Kidderminster & Stourport Athletics team. Due to his success, Tom was selected to represent… Read more

Bewdley Sixth Form Student’s are celebrating after being accepted for taster days by Universities; Bex E has been accepted on to two taster days at Coventry University, one for Psychology – Ticks of the Mind and the other for Forensic Science – The science behind solving Crimes.   Josh K has been accepted to Birmingham… Read more

If a student is going to be absent from school for any reason parents need to make contact with us at their earliest convenience, below are a number of ways parents can easily and quickly get in touch. Can we please ask when reporting a student absence one of these methods is used rather than… Read more

On Tuesday 60 Year 8 Pupils took part in a 3 hour workshop exploring energy & engineering, students got to understand the many engineering roles and experimented with electric cars. Zoe in Year 8 said ‘I really enjoyed the science morning because it was fun when we had to make the cars. I never knew… Read more