Author Archives: The Bewdley School

Over the past 6 months we have been working to develop our app to provide parents/carers with the best possible solution. Over the last year we have received a lot of feedback from parents/carers about what they would like to see next in the app. As a result we are excited to announce in April… Read more

On the weekend of the 8 March, Mr Willets along with two Year 9 students represented The Bewdley School at Legacy 110. Legacy 110 is a government funded project to engage students in the history of the Great war, with the aim to tell others about their experience so that the memory of the ultimate… Read more

What are you doing this Summer? If you are in Year 12, Nuffield Research are looking for applications for this Summer. Nuffield Research Placements provide over 1,000 students each year with the opportunity to work alongside professional scientists (including quantitative social scientists), technologists, engineers and mathematicians. Students will work on a project relating to their… Read more

Yesterday the leisure centre was buzzing as approximately 200 girls from Years 8,9 & 10 took part in either boxercise or Zumba sessions which were organised by Herefordshire & Worcestershire Sports Partnership. The girls showed real grit and determinations as they punched and jumped their way through the sessions, all students were a real credit… Read more

Mr Hadley-Pryce our Head Teacher has sent a letter to all parents regarding schools funding. A copy is available to read below School Funding Letter

Today we celebrate World Book Day, the pleasure of reading is something we celebrate here at The Bewdley School. With so many students regularly reading millions of words a month as part of our Accelerated Reading program and for a minimum of 25 minute a day, it is no surprise we have been awarded ‘Master… Read more

It’s been a busy few weeks for the Drama Department and students. Recently, KS3 students performed a series of fantasy pieces to Year 7 and excited students from Bewdley Primary School. One student from Bewdley Primary said ‘The singers had lovely voices that stood out, I couldn’t do that myself. You were amazing, I loved… Read more

Yesterday Year 7 and 8 students took part in the Wyre Forest Indoor Athletics Championships. Students gave it their absolute all, which earnt Year 7 Boys and Year 7 & 8 Girls a well-deserved 🥇1st place. Year 8 boys came a very respectful 🥉3rd in their category, the three winning teams will now all go on to… Read more

As we approach the GCSE Exams, every week we will be releasing a series of exam based questions for students to use for revision. Here is week 4 of Maths questions, the questions will follow the order of topics from JustMaths Online. Along with the questions there will be a copy of the solutions, so… Read more

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at The Bewdley School. We can only be successful in keeping all of our children safe online if we work with you to ensure that online safety messages are consistent and that all members of the community behave safely and appropriately online. Online challenges like… Read more

Year 10 Parents’ Evening is on Tuesday 5 March from 4.15-6.30pm, this is an important evening and provides parents/carers with an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress at school. We recommend that students accompany parents/carers in order to be part of the feedback process. Appointments can be made from 5pm on 25 February and will… Read more

Congratulations to all the winners of Bewdley’s heat of the Rotary Club Young Photographer competition. Budding photographers from The Bewdley School and Bewdley Sixth Form each submitted three photographs centred on the theme ‘The Beauty of Nature’. We had varied and exciting entries and the standards were very high. Judges Terry Livesey, Parent Governor, Colin… Read more