Author Archives: The Bewdley School

Congratulations to all our Year 13 students who have applied to university this year. We have had 38 applications for university covering a wide variety of subjects from Paramedic Science to Archaeology. An incredible 13 of these students have been offered places at Russell Group Universities including, Cardiff, Birmingham, Bristol, Sheffield and Cambridge. In addition,… Read more

There are a number of charity events currently taking place in school that are raising money for a number of worthy causes. Congratulations to Ollie, Meg and Isabelle from the Year 8 InterAct group who ran charity stalls over the weekend. Ollie and Meg ran a stall at the Kemp Hospice Mothers’ Day Craft Event… Read more

Following yesterday’s University trip to Cardiff a number of Sixth Form students have reviewed their experience to help others who are unsure on what to do post 18. ‘Upon our arrival we were met by student ambassadors and given an itinerary which enabled us all to cater this day to our needs. We could choose… Read more

On Wednesday 27 March, 14 Year 10 Students attended the University of Birmingham to take part in an insight into medicine and dentistry. They attended a range of practical sessions on basic life support and learnt a range of clinical skills such as measuring blood pressure and peak flow. Student also had a tour of… Read more

Over the last week, a number of Sixth Form Students have visited a range of Universities to see what they can offer students post 18. Yesterday a group of Year 12 students, accompanied by Mr Nugent and Mr Ward, visited Cardiff University as part of their open day. Students had the opportunity to ask questions… Read more

Former International Exchange Student Melissa A secures fantastic opportunity following studying at Bewdley Sixth Form. Melissa was a Dutch exchange student at Bewdley Sixth Form between September and December 2018. While at Bewdley Sixth Form she studied English Language and Literature, Psychology and Business Studies. After leaving Melissa said studying English at Bewdley Sixth Form… Read more

Last week students in Year 12 went to Worcester Arena to talk to Universities and apprenticeship providers from all around the UK. This opportunity gave students the chance to talk about next steps and the options available to them post-18. Phoebe O Said ‘I was particularly interested in a course which combined law and criminology… Read more

Year 7 Parents’ Evening is on Thursday 4 April from 4.15-6.30pm, this is an important evening and provides parents/carers with an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress at school. We recommend that students accompany parents/carers in order to be part of the feedback process. Appointments can be made from 5pm on the 26 March and… Read more

Due to Year 11 Trial Exams taking place next week (25 March) we will be changing the school day for all students between Monday 25 – Wednesday 27 March to allow Year 11 students to sit their full exam The school day will change to: Lesson 1 – 8.50 to 9.40 Lesson 2 – 9.45… Read more

We are delighted to announce that today Mr O’Malley and Mr Mudge launched the’ F1 in schools project’ with our Sixth Form students. The Sixth Form team welcome interest from our upcoming Year 12 September cohort, and anyone interested should register their interest with Mr O’Malley or Mr Mudge.

On the weekend of the 8 March, two Year 9 students represented The Bewdley School at Legacy 110. Legacy 110 is a government funded project to engage students in the history of the Great war, with the aim to tell others about their experience so that the memory of the ultimate sacrifice by many young… Read more

On Monday 4 March, 43 Year 9 students went to The Arete Outdoor Centre in Llanrug for an action packed week. Students went rafting, mining, cave walking, zip wiring, mountain walking and on night lines. Students had a fantastic time working together and though the weather wasn’t perfect, it didn’t dampen the students spirits and… Read more