Author Archives: The Bewdley School

This morning, A-level Biology student met with Professor Liam Grover from Birmingham University to start an exciting new project. A Level Biologists this year have the opportunity to complete a Gold crest award as part of their course. The nationally recognised award will not only allow students to gain invaluable skills and experiences, but will… Read more

On Thursday 11 April, thirteen Sixth Form students visited Alton Towers for an action-packed day of thrills and knowledge. After an early start students arrived at the park and enjoyed a day full of rides on iconic Alton Towers’ roller coasters and attractions. At the end of the day students attended a lecture, which discussed… Read more

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Sixth Form magazine ‘Enrichment’. The magazine celebrates all the fantastic news and events taking place in Bewdley Sixth Form and includes articles written by our students. It also contains news about the exciting developments taking place within our Sixth Form which we look forward to… Read more

Today we have again issued over 1000 students with awards to celebrate their achievements in school. Students have received a range of awards including ‘Subject Excellence’, ‘Most Improved’, ‘Attitude to Learning’, ‘100% Attendance’ and ‘Values at Bewdley’ Awards. Students have been awarded these awards for either their efforts in lessons, or for their contributions towards… Read more

The Easter break is nearly upon us and I wish all of our parents/carers and students a restful and relaxing break. Please see Mr Chauhan’s end of term letter, which contains useful information about Uniform, exams and safeguarding. Click below to download: End of Term Letter

The Easter holidays are a perfect time for Bewdley Sixth Form students to book themselves onto a Newman University Learning Day. This summer Newman University is hosting a fortnight of Learning Days for Years 12 and 13 students. They will be hosting Learning Days for the following subject areas: English – Tuesday 4th June Mathematics… Read more

We are excited to announce the launch of our new parent app ‘My Ed’, My Ed replaces Our Schools App which is no longer in use. Parents/carers can now delete Our Schools app as we will no longer be updating or providing support for it. My Ed is quick and easy to install and works… Read more

This weekend saw over one hundred Year 10 students complete a two day practise expedition around The Wyre Forest for their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. All the groups performed fantastically to navigate their way over almost 25km whilst carrying all of their camping equipment for an overnight stay at The Frank Chapman Centre. The… Read more

Ms Walters and Mrs Jones attended Cambridge University on the weekend of 30 March, after receiving a personal invitation to attend as a result of a student within Bewdley Sixth Form being offered a place to study there. During their visit Ms Walters and Mrs Jones attended a talk by Dr Michael Sutherfield about how… Read more

On Thursday evening Mrs Newbold attended the Royal College of Art Dyson Building to celebrate the Legacy Circle Project. The tour was organised for a select group of Alumni and sponsors.Mrs Newbold was invited as she completed her MA(RCA)Fine Art Printmaking 1992-4.   During the tour the group looked at students (one who is a… Read more

Next Friday, 12 April is the last day of this term. It will be a normal school day finishing at 3.20, and will also be a non-uniform day. We will be asking students to contribute £1. The collection will be to start a fund to develop the secondary woodland area at the back of the school,… Read more

With GCSE Exams due to start in only a matter of weeks, Mr Cannon in the Maths Department has created a parent’s guide on how to support your child through their revision. The guide contains helpful revision tips, topics for revision and key formulae students need to know.