Author Archives: The Bewdley School

It has been a busy year for Bewdley Sixth Form and we are pleased to share with you our Summer Edition of Enrichment, Bewdley Sixth Form’s magazine. This edition brings you news about the Year 13 prom, destinations, trips, events and much more. Click Here to Download your copy of Enrichment

Mahatma Gandhi said that one of the seven deadly sins was ‘Knowledge without Character’. Whilst your child is at The Bewdley School we are doing all we can to develop both knowledge and also develop their character (ensuring that they are decent human beings) who have embraced and live out The Bewdley Values. As we… Read more

As part of their Year 7 castles topic, all students were set a task of making a model castle as an extended history homework project. The History department had some fantastic lessons showcasing the castle models, where students were able to present their models to the class.   All of the History Department have been… Read more

On Thursday 27 June 2019, students and staff came together at The Granary Hotel for our Year 13 Bewdley Sixth Form Prom. The Prom marked the end of two years of hard work and studies by students as the A level exams came to an end. It was a fantastic evening with students sharing fond… Read more

Congratulations to Ellie B, Ella R & Hayley W in Year 9 who’s poems have been shortlisted for the 2019 Live Canon Children’s Poetry Competition. There were hundreds of entries and Ellie poem ‘The Face of Freedom’ was Highly Commended, meaning it was one of the top three in the Years 9-13 age category. As… Read more

Last night staff and Year 11 students came together to mark five years of hard work and to celebrate the achievements of our 2019 leavers. Throughout the evening photographs were taken by a professional photographer and we are pleased to share with students and parents a link to view these. To view the photographs students… Read more

To facilitate our Year 6 induction day, we will be changing the school day tomorrow for the rest of the school. The day will be changed to allow Year 6 students to settle into our school and move freely around the site. The bells will be aligned to the main school change of day.  … Read more

The Worcestershire LEP have produced the ‘Wyre Forest Skills Guide’, the report has been developed to support local students and their parents in gaining an understanding of the academic and employment-based opportunities available to the younger generations in the county. Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership has worked with Worcestershire County Council in developing this report, to… Read more

We are pleased to announce that The Bewdley School has been nominated to host a British Council Connecting Classroom Conference during the Autumn term 2019. The theme of the International Conference is Global Happiness and particularly the health and well-being of young people. The visiting delegates will be coming from a wide range of different… Read more

We are delighted to announce we have won the Secondary School of the Year Award at the Worcestershire Education Awards! The Bewdley School has won the Worcestershire Education Award for Secondary School of the Year. The awards celebrate schools that go the extra mile to make a difference to the lives of their pupils, and… Read more

Next Friday (Friday 28 June) will be a non-uniform day with all proceeds raised going to the William Mills Foundation. Many members of the school community will remember William Mills, who was a former student of The Bewdley School who sadly passed away last year. To celebrate Williams life, William’s family setup the William Mills… Read more

West Mercia Police have managed to secure funding on behalf of Crimestoppers to run a number of sessions as part of the schools PSHCE programme. The sessions will be hosted by Crimestoppers on behalf of the ‘Fearless’ charity and run by Andrea Accison (Fearless Outreach Worker). The purpose of the “Life Ready Days” are to… Read more