Author Archives: The Bewdley School

Amber S in Year 11 has been fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to groom at another 5* event, this time in France at Les 5 Etoiles de Pau. Amber said: ‘I have been fortunate to be able to fulfil the role as groom and gain valuable experience that can help me to stand… Read more

We are excited to announce that we have decided to take on a school dog. This decision has been made following extensive research, discussion with other schools that have a School Dog and approval of the Governing Body. A full risk assessment has been completed which will be available on our website.   We have… Read more

It has been an extremely busy half-term, with many highlights ranging from our Year 11 students taking part in the latest installment of the “Elevate” revision programme, Year 7 students visiting the Frank Chapman Centre, practice DofE expeditions and the school’s Ofsted inspection. Half Term Letter

Our Year 11 Parents’ Consultation Evening will take place on Tuesday, 15 October 2019 from 4.15pm – 6.30pm. This is an important evening and provides parents/carers with an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress at school. We recommend that students accompany their parents/carers in order to be part of the feedback process. The school is… Read more

Please find attached the report from our recent Ofsted inspection. The inspection experience and outcomes were very positive for staff and students, this being very early on in a new Inspection Framework. The lead inspector made it very clear that the report we would receive is much less technical than previous inspection reports, with educational… Read more

As part of our partnership with Schools of Tomorrow we are offering the opportunity for students to take part in our China Exchange, which has 14 places available. The visit is scheduled for 22 to 31 October 2020. For more information please download a copy of Mr Hadley-Pryce’s Presentation, CLICK HERE The full cost of… Read more

Our Enrichment timetable is available to view on our website, On our Enrichment timetable you will find a range of activities that take place both at lunchtime and after school. Students can attend any lunchtime enrichment of their choice, if a student wishes to attend an afterschool Enrichment activity parents/carers will need to complete a… Read more

Things are changing at Bewdley Sixth Form. If you want the next part of your educational journey to be challenging, rewarding and personalised to you, come to our Open Event on Thursday 3 October 6pm – 8.30pm and see what we have to offer. We Offer: • A broad and enriched curriculum of over 20… Read more

We have two vacancies on our governing body. The first is for a parent governor which we need to fill as soon as possible. Parent governors are elected by and from the parents of children currently attending our school. The second is for a co-opted governor. Co-opted governors are recruited directly by the governing body… Read more

Year 7 & 8 Maths Information Evening took place on Tuesday 24 September in the Hall. Math Staff discussed how parents/carers can support their child with their Maths work using the online platforms Complete Maths and Eedi. For parents/carers who were unable to attend, a copy of the presentation can be found here CLICK HERE

Today is a day of international protest against climate change. You can find details out through Friends of The Earth website and in many other places online. This is clearly an urgent and important issue for the whole Human Species, and as our young people’s lives stretch out before them, they are rightly demanding change… Read more

Thank you to everyone who attended our busiest ever Open Evening last night. Visitors were treated to an action packed evening with activities taking place all over the school. Visitors on arrival were greeted by Bewdley Sixth Form student Abby F playing the piano in reception. While elsewhere in the school Music were having a… Read more