Author Archives: The Bewdley School

Cornerstone School is near Kittiti in South West Uganda, and is situated in a small village near Lake Victoria. The area is mostly inhabited by woman, children and elderly and it is a very poor region of the country. Kate Oakley visited the area in 2007, and she was moved by the unimaginable poverty, hunger… Read more

We are hosting a series of Quiz Nights. Tickets cost £10, which includes either chicken or scampi and chips, at The Bewdley Pines Club on January 28th at 19.00 for a 19:30 start. There will be a raffle, cake stall and second hand children’s book stall to help raise additional funds. The evening will finish… Read more

Our school has been given the opportunity to take part in national project, which is being run locally in partnership with Worcestershire Children First and West Mercia Police. Operation Encompass is a process whereby the police and county council will inform a member of staff if a child or young person has experienced any domestic… Read more

It’s hard to believe that a term has already ended and another new year is about to start. As always this has been a very busy term and I hope you enjoy reading about some of the wonderful activities, trips and sporting events our students have undertaken in our ‘news’ section of the website or… Read more

Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th December will be our annual Christmas Concerts. These promise to be exciting events with a significant number of students involved. Both concerts will take place in the school hall. Each concert will include different performers, so it’s important students knows which night they will be performing. Tuesday 17 will include… Read more

Our end of term arrangements for Thursday 19 and Friday 20 December are as follows.   These last 2 days of term will be non-uniform ‘Christmas Jumper’ days. Students will be asked to make a £2 charitable donation, which they need to bring in on Monday 16 December. Donations will all go to charities supported… Read more

We have set up a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, ‘The Discovery Society’ to advance opportunities for exploration and science research. A significant part of what we are hoping to establish during the coming year is a programme of science lectures/talks for our students. If you have an interest and expertise in exploration and/or scientific research, or… Read more

Our Year 9 Parents’ Consultation Evening will take place on Wednesday, 11 December 2019 from 4.15pm – 6.30pm. This is an important evening and provides parents/carers with an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress at school, along with an opportunity to discuss option choices at school.. We recommend that students accompany their parents/carers in order… Read more

Christmas… Christmas is a time that most people associate with happiness, celebration and family. But this is not the case for everyone. Following last years successful Food Bank Appeal we are again supporting those in our community that are less fortunate. We have asked our students ‘have you ever thought how much Christmas really costs?’… Read more

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at The Bewdley School. Our assemblies next week will be focusing on online/e-safety. We can only be successful in keeping all of our children safe online if we work with you to ensure that online safety messages are consistent and that all members of the… Read more

Our Sixth Form Parents’ Consultation Evening will take place on Tuesday, 19 November 2019 from 4.15pm – 6.30pm. It is an invaluable opportunity for parents/carers to discuss their son/daughter’s progress with their individual subject teachers and identify how we can all best support them to achieve their academic goals. The school is signed up to… Read more

The Bewdley School establishes links with Egypt, South Korea, Jordan, India, Morroco, Palestine and UK schools to prepare young people for life and work in today’s world at the first First UK Global Happiness Conference November 3-9 2019 Mrs Newbold (Conference organiser) at The Bewdley School has forged a partnership with a variety of international… Read more