Author Archives: The Bewdley School

We are writing to update you on our situation, with regard to the new guidance on Covid19 related self-isolation. In addition to our normal levels of absence, we currently have 6 teachers in self-isolation, which is likely to double within the next few days. It is our intention to continue to offer full education to… Read more

Please note that students are not to come into school if they have coronavirus [COVID-19] symptoms.  The current advice from NHS as of 16 March 2020: Stay at home if students have either: a high temperature – they feel hot to touch on their chest or back a new, continuous cough – this means they… Read more

In response to the Covid19 pandemic we have made a number of changes to our normal working practices to ‘socially distance’ our school community as much as practically possible. Measures we are taking include: • Postponing or cancelling all extra-curricular activity that is not exam related • Postponing or cancelling all trips and visits •… Read more

If parents/carers have changed their email, phone number or home address please could they let our office know via the ‘MyEd’ app or emailing, in case of school closure, including information about work sent home for students.

The government is closely monitoring the spread of the Coronavirus and is taking action at home and abroad. School staff have been speaking to students about Coronavirus and will be sharing a PowerPoint presentation with them this week to discuss the key points around good personal hygiene, washing hands, not touching your face and also… Read more

Following a thorough site inspection, we can confirm the school is open today, Wednesday 26 February 2020. If your child would normally walk this route, and you are not able to collect/drop them to school, you may wish to consider keeping them at home to work on school work. If you decide to keep your… Read more

Our Year 10 Parents’ Consultation Evening will take place on Tuesday, 3 March 2019 from 4.15pm – 6.30pm. This is an important evening and provides parents/carers with an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress at school, along with an opportunity to discuss option choices at school.. We recommend that students accompany their parents/carers in order… Read more

As you may be aware, the Environment Agency are forecasting significant rises in river levels peaking tomorrow afternoon. Worcestershire County Council Emergency Planning Department have been liaising with the relevant agencies and have informed the school that Bewdley Bridge will be closed shortly to both vehicles and pedestrians. The Environment Agency have been clear that… Read more

We thank parents for their continued support of the school and its policies. We feel consistency is critical in maintaining our high standards. As well as enjoying a break, parents/carers will no doubt be looking forward to a trip to the shops to source uniform and school shoes! Before embarking on this please could we… Read more

The Discovery Society has been established as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, to give students at The Bewdley School the opportunity to involve themselves in exploration and scientific research. These opportunities are above and beyond normal curriculum experience, giving students access to a range of organisations and opportunities. Throughout the Spring Term we are running a… Read more

It has been a busy Term for Bewdley Sixth Form and we are pleased to share with you our Autumn Edition of Enrichment, Bewdley Sixth Form’s magazine. This edition brings you news about the Team building, Global Happiness Conference, trips, events and much more. Click Here to Download your copy of Enrichment

Join us for an evening of Drama & Dance. Students have created an evening of performance, including the very first performance of ‘The Edge’ written by 5 of our own students. Tickets are available for Tuesday 11 February & Wednesday 12 February at 7pm. Tickets are priced at £5.00 & £2.50 for concessions, tickets are… Read more