Author Archives: The Bewdley School

At the end of a very different week for us all, we are delighted to be able to report to you that our shift to online learning has been as seamless as we could have hoped under the circumstances. From a school population of over 900 we only have 24 students not engaging at all… Read more

Thank you for your support in ensuring that your children are kept safe at home and are engaging with online learning. We have launched our Covid-19 section on our website to help with this:, this section contains all our latest news, along with study resources for Years 7 to 10 should students require further… Read more

In light of recent changes to assessment we understand that some of you are anxious about how you will access your next step into the Sixth Form. We are in the fortunate position of knowing all of our internal students really well and as such can make offers to individuals based on this. We are… Read more

Thank you again for your continued commitment to protecting our community by keeping your child at home today. We have 3 children in school with parents of older children sensibly keeping their children at home. Given the government’s change in policy to what some reporters are calling ‘lockdown’, it is more important than ever that… Read more

As we approach our first week of school closure, with school providing a limited curriculum for only vulnerable and key worker’s children, some important reminders. The principles regarding the very limited number of children who should be in school: If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should… Read more

Further to this week’s updates, telling you about online learning, laptop loans and school closure, we would now like to tell you about our Community Schooling Plan for vulnerable children and those of critical (key) workers. The underpinning principle for this is: If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then… Read more

We now have detailed guidance on what constitutes a ‘key’ or ‘critical’ worker:   Guidance for Parents/Carers:   Guidance for Schools:   This includes guidance to follow these key principles:   1. If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be. 2. If a child needs… Read more

You will now be aware that the government has announced the closure of all schools (with the exception of specific groups of students) from Friday 20 March. We are offering a curriculum to all years to continue their studies from home, students of Key workers are expected to still attend school from Monday 23 March…. Read more

Further to our communications early this morning please find below a link to our ‘Community Schooling Plan’ survey. The purpose of this is for you to tell us if you want schooling for your child from next week onwards. As explained earlier this provision is for vulnerable students and the children of key workers. Please… Read more

Further to yesterday’s update, you will now be aware that the government has announced the closure of all schools (with the exception of specific groups of students) from the end of this Friday 20 March. We are offering a curriculum to all years except Year 7 today, and have an increasing number of teaching staff… Read more

Due to these extremely volatile and unprecedented times, it is important for students to keep up with their studies at home, which will ensure they don’t fall behind. Being resilient and working hard will be rewarded! In the event of school closure please find the action plan for students during Covid-19: 1. Students should try… Read more

Further to yesterday’s update, we now have 9 teachers in self-isolation with potential for further increase in the coming days, in addition to 2 staff with other illnesses. We also have 5 supply teachers in school today supporting us with staff absence, but their availability is becoming increasingly sparse. As a consequence, and with deep… Read more