Author Archives: The Bewdley School

As you will be aware, we have been working towards year 10 and year 12 having face to face sessions from 1 June, with individual schedules sent out last week. This was based on the following advice: Year groups in first phase of wider opening Paragraph 3, second sentence: From 1 June 2020, we… Read more

Worcestershire County Council have issued guidance to schools regarding the phased re-opening of schools, as well as this NHS Worcestershire has also issued information to parents of students with Special Educational Needs. Both letters can be found below: Worcestershire County Council Letter NHS Worcestershire

As promised last week, you will have seen our practical guide for Year 10 and 12 students returning to limited schooling last evening. This evening we are able to provide a comprehensive Risk Assessment, based on the model Risk Assessment provided for schools by Worcestershire Children First. The approach and therefore content of these documents… Read more

The school is partially re-opening for selected students, whilst maintaining our comprehensive online curriculum for all other students. In the first instance the school will be open for some Year 10 and Year 12 students. Those who are unable to comply with the COVID-19 Conduct Contract and those who have medical conditions which classify them… Read more

Following on from announcements earlier this week, we are sure that all parents and carers, particularly those of year 10 and year 12 students, will want to know our plans for school after half-term. The DfE advice and guidance from which we are working places the following expectations on secondary schools: “From 1 June 2020,… Read more

During this difficult time we wanted to reach out to let parents/carers know that, even though our school is currently closed to all but a few children, we’re still here to support our students and our families in whatever way we can. Parents/carers might be noticing signs of increasing anxiety in their child as they’re… Read more

We have a very carefully structured curriculum with much of Year 9 based around supporting students to make informed choices. The current restrictions will inevitably cause a significant disruption to curriculum arrangements, the scope of which we will not fully understand until schools return to normal operation. However, we would be reckless not to have… Read more

In the late 1990s/early 2000s I was fortunate to be Head of Sixth Form at Llanidloes High School in heart of Mid-Wales. We had great demand for A Levels in Law, Psychology and Sociology, but couldn’t recruit teachers in our sparsely populated rural location. Our solution was to use a company called Moorhouse Black to… Read more

We hope you all had a restful Easter break and welcome to our very first remote summer term! We’ve all had to adapt to new ways of working, so we wanted to take the chance to say what an amazing job you’re doing supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning during this time. It has definitely… Read more

A brief message from us as a school to say thank you for all of your support in taking our school online, during these very difficult times. For those of you who have concerns regarding refunds or reschedules for school visits, we have published a letter earlier today, which you can find here. We would… Read more

We have been asked by some parents about Risk Protection Arrangements or Schemes in relation to the ongoing cancellation of school trips and visits. Risk Protection Arrangements ( were introduced as a government scheme for Academies to buy into, to compensate for the fact that they were no longer covered by Local Authority Insurance. This… Read more

Now we have settled into our online curriculum, there are a number of consequences to the current situation for schools across the country, which we will continue to update you with as further information emerges. Year 6 Induction for new students This would ordinarily take place in July, and whilst this still may happen it… Read more