Author Archives: The Bewdley School

The DfE (Department for Education) have issued a guide for Parent/Carers in relation to schools opening again from September. The guide contains frequently asked questions by parents and is aimed to provide parents/carers with the information they need for student to return to school. We will continue to review our procedures and policies in line… Read more

Last Friday, 21 August, the World Health Organisation changed its advice for 12 year old children (and older), with regard to the use of face masks in certain settings: “Advice on mask use in children and adolescents 12 years or older should follow the WHO guidance for mask use in adults and/or the national mask… Read more

Following the most recent announcement regarding A level grades students are welcome to come into school at 9.30am on Tuesday 18th August to collect the Centre Assessed Grades.  Students should go to main reception and Mrs Bridges Exams Officer will meet students there. On Wednesday 19th August staff are available in school from 10am for… Read more

We want to reassure all our Year 13 students, parents and carers that as soon as we know more from Ofqual and Government about the appeals process, that we will fully support all of those students that have been affected. We would also like to reassure Year 11 students that entry into Bewdley Sixth Form… Read more

I am writing to thank you for your extraordinary support for the school over the last four months. In my second summer as a Head Teacher in 2009, having started the Easter before, my school in Birmingham was closed for a week by the Health Protection Agency, as a consequence of the Swine Flu (H1N1)… Read more

We are now able to publish our guidance for September return which you can find here . A reminder that this is a refinement of the broad principles outlined in our guidance for June return found here. This guidance will help in particular, to remind students of the layout of our one way system within each block,… Read more

We are rapidly approaching the end of term and as you will know, the national strategy for secondary schools is for a full return in September. Organisation for September opening Secondary schools are asked to teach ‘whole year group bubbles’. We will continue to apply our one way system and social distancing in corridor areas,… Read more

Our Head Teacher Mr Hadley-Pryce has recently taken part in the Farmington Conference, as part of the Farmington Scholarship. This year Mr Hadley-Pryce has completed his research around ‘Constructing an Outdoor Education Curriculum to build physical, mental and spiritual health’. Ordinarily the research would have been presented to our community at school, however due to… Read more

Bewdley Sixth Form is delighted to announce we will be holding a Virtual Sixth Form Induction Week for new Year 12 students from Monday 22nd June to Friday 26th June at 12.40. During this week there will be the opportunity to engage with live lessons with your teachers, via Teams, learn about how the opportunities… Read more

In light of COVID-19 and the closure of schools, we know our students are spending more of their time on mobile phones, games consoles and other devices which can make them more vulnerable. We know that criminals will use the opportunity to contact more children and young people online. We also know that children and… Read more

We are aware that some parents are concerned about students’ ability to read and access some of the more extensive passages of text being shared through remote learning. Microsoft have some fantastic in-built features which will support all in being able to access texts as far as possible. These features are aimed not only at… Read more

As promised last week, new schedules have been emailed out to students and parents today. You will find the procedures for staged re-opening here. This is exactly the same as the initial guidance with a change of date. You will also find our updated Risk Assessment here following further guidance from Worcestershire Children First. For… Read more