Year 7 – Music

Head of Subject: Mr O Alcorn

Intended Outcomes

Pupils will develop key practical performance skills and theory-based knowledge covering the building blocks of music: pulse and rhythm during Ancient Roots, the importance of pitch and introducing keyboard skills in Power of the Pentatonic, correct 5-finger technique on keyboards and treble clef reading in Ode to Joy, introducing ukulele, concept of chords, following a lead sheet and strumming patterns in Strike a Chord, and finally introducing the concept of leitmotifs, chromaticism and compositional techniques in Villains! 

  • Course Implementation

    Ancient Roots 

    Using ancient Greece as the focus, pupils will develop their sense of pulse and metre, learning how to read, write, perform and compose ostinato-based rhythms in an ensemble using a variety of percussion instruments. To be assessed through recorded group compositions and performances, as well as paired compositions using music technology and a written review of learning. 

    Strike a Chord 

    Focusing on the ukulele, pupils will learn the technical skills required to play chords on a fretted instrument and apply this to the popular song ‘Riptide’, culminating in a whole class performance of the song. They will also also learn about forming triads and song structure through music technology. To be assessed through recorded whole class performances, as well as paired arrangement tasks using music technology and an end of term test. 

    Ode to Joy 

    Focusing exclusively on the seminal piece by Beethoven, all pupils will learn how to play the classical piece Ode to Joy on keyboards by reading pitch on the treble clef (also utilising previous knowledge on rhythm reading), learning and developing correct keyboard and 5-finger technique. They will also learn how to use the free music notation software MuseScore (downloadable on all devices) through arrangement tasks based on the piece. To be assessed through recorded individual keyboard performances, as well as paired arrangement tasks using music technology and a written review of learning. 

    Power of the Pentatonic 

    Touching on various cultures around the world, pupils will learn how to play the pentatonic scale, developing and structuring short musical ideas into fully fledged parts to be used in their own paired compositions. To be assessed through recorded paired compositions and performances, as well as paired compositions using music technology and a written review of learning. 


    Using the medium of super villains, pupils will learn about the concept of leitmotifs through performing and composing, and how music can be used to enhance and alter the perception of characters and scenes. To be assessed through recorded individual or paired performances, as well as paired compositions using music technology and an and of year test. 


    This unit will be an opportunity for pupils to be solely responsible for a specific role within a musical group and focus on developing ensemble skills as pupils practise fitting their part in with the rest of the ensemble. To be assessed through recorded group performances, as well as paired arrangement work using music technology and a written review of learning. 

Learning Impact

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