Computer Science Year 10 & 11

Year 10 & 11 Computer Science Modules

  • Computer Systems

    Students will study a wide range of theory units, delving into how a computer functions at an internal level and an external level. Topics studied are:

    • Systems Architecture
    • Memory
    • Storage
    • Wired and wireless networks
    • Network topologies, protocols and layers
    • System security
    • System software

    Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns

  • Computational thinking, algorithms and programming

    Students will develop practical skills coding in Python. Python programming will be a continued focus throughout the two years of the course to allow development of industry standard skills or for progression to further education. Other theory topics taught are:-

    • Algorithms
    • Programming techniques
    • Producing robust programs
    • Computational logic
    • Translators and facilities of languages
    • Data representation
  • Programming project

    Students will be given 20 timetabled school hours to complete a programming project from start to finish. Students need to design, develop, test and evaluate a solution to a programming problem. They will utilise their continually developing programming skills and theory knowledge for use in Python and supporting paperwork.

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