Frequently Asked Questions

Our Students Experiences

  • Chloe's Experience

    As you all know, you will be entering year 7 next term. Depending on
    how you are feeling, I am here to answer any questions you may
    have. Currently, I am in year 7 myself, along with a large group of
    other pupils.

    Finding your way around the Bewdley school is not as complex as you
    may think. Therefore, you will find it is a lot easier to reach your lessons
    than you anticipate. However, if you do struggle to find your classroom,
    it should not become an issue as there are members of staff or other
    pupils around to ask. You should not feel overwhelmed, nor worried
    about being late to your first lessons, as the Teachers will understand.
    There will also be a bell to tell you when you should arrive at you
    classroom, students are given five minutes in-between lessons.
    Bewdley has a very organised system, with the appropriate school rules.

    A few being no chewing gum, be equipped with the correct and
    acquired uniform and PE kit and to show kindness, responsibility and
    respect towards other members of staff and students. Making friends at
    Bewdley isn’t a difficult task as you sit in different places throughout
    different lessons, giving you the opportunity to get to know your peers
    (there are around 30 students in one class), alongside lunchtimes and
    breaktimes to make new friends. There is also the opportunity to
    experience different afterschool clubs such as drama clubs, art clubs or
    sport clubs.

    The school dinners vary from day to day, including gluten free meals,
    and dinners for those with certain allergies. Students also have the
    opportunity to buy their own food from a place known as “the Pod”.
    This is where you are given the opportunity of a small budget to access
    whatever food is available there. Just remember, it may be intimidating
    at first and you may feel slightly worried about your first day. However,
    before you know it, you’ll be watching other new year seven students
    enter their first day at the Bewdley School.

  • Elliot's Experience

    I don’t know anything about you. I do not know if you are a boy or a girl. I don’t know what school you are coming from, was it big or small? I don’t know if you are coming here with lots of your friends or not. All this makes it hard for me to answer any questions you may have, so instead I will tell you about my experiences at Bewdley School.

    My name is Elliot. I came from a middle-sized school, with quite a few pupils in my year. Only four of us came to Bewdley though, so I knew I wouldn’t really know anyone when I got here, which did make me a little bit nervous. However, I have made lots of friends now, and still talk
    to my old school friends which is a bonus!

    When I first got to Bewdley, I couldn’t believe how big it was, or how many buildings there were. Me and my new friends played a game called guess the building where we had to guess what subject is in what building because there was so many. It didn’t take long though for us to find our way around. If you do get lost, you can ask another pupil how to get to
    where you need to be.

    Lunch times are also different. You must ‘pay’ for your food using your fingerprints, which was weird to start with. The food is ok, there is different options most days, and there is a kiosk called ‘the pod’ on the playground where you can get things like hash browns, sausage rolls,
    bacon sandwiches, pizza and cake. They also sell fruit tubs, but I never get one of those.

    One if the things I like about high school is having different teachers for each lesson. It’s like a new start every time a lesson begins. To be honest there are teachers you will like, some are stricter than others, and some will make you laugh. It’s a good thing. You also won’t be with the same pupils in each lesson either. It’s nice to have different people in different subjects, and help you make more different friends.

    There are many afterschool clubs and sports clubs that you can do if that is your sort of thing, I don’t and there is no pressure to if you don’t want to.

    I really enjoy being at Bewdley School, and I am sure that you will feel the same.

  • Josh's Experience

    Don’t be scared, don’t be frightened: The Bewdley School is the place for
    you and the place for great education! As you walk through the gate and look at how big the school looks, don’t worry if you do get lost, there is always someone to help you if you do and you get a map. A day with your new form and tutor will answer every question you have buzzing in your head. You get to meet everyone that you will do a lot of your lessons with and like me make some new friends as I arrived from my Primary
    school not knowing anyone. Just look at me now!

    You move from classroom to classroom for lessons but that’s easy as The Bewdley School is all set up in blocks of subjects, you have plenty of time to get between your classes too. Homework is manageable just do it when you get it and Satchel One is really good as you get to keep track of everything you need to do. Break and lunchtimes you get to meet up with students from other classes, the pazzini from the canteen are the best and school dinners are good too but you can bring your own lunch. You can join after school clubs, stay for maths club get all your homework done and the sports clubs are great fun with so many to choose from.

    The staff and students at The Bewdley School will look after you, it’s like a big family and I am so glad I chose The Bewdley School. Just remember don’t worry you will be fine I was once a new Year 7 and I survived and now I can’t wait to start my Year 8 adventure.

  • Eva's Experience

    First of all, don’t worry about getting lost! I thought I was definitely going to get lost and be late for class, but the school is very well organised and it’s easy to find your way. Even if you do forget, just follow your classmates because at least one of them will know where to go or if they are all gone just talk to somebody. You should know where you need to be and at what time because you will be given your timetable on the first day. If you get lost and are late for class, just tell the teacher why and they will definitely understand. There is a bell between lessons and you will have five minutes to get to wherever you need to go. You don’t need to run to each lesson, but make sure you walk with a steady pace and don’t hang around outside until it’s too late.

    With homework in Year 7, you usually get one piece from each subject every other week so you won’t be stressing out over how much work you get. There is also a site called Satchel One where all your homework will be put on so you can’t forget – you will get your logins when you get to school. In Bewdley, they like to keep the students calm so the students don’t get work over the holidays, but if you feel like you’re getting behind, feel free to do some work although it’s not compulsory.

    There are a few main rules at Bewdley: you have to be prepared so you should make sure you always have all your equipment (stationery) with you; you have to be polite so you should make sure you always use your manners and put in 100% effort into everything; you should try to always be punctual and be wherever you need to be on time; you also need to be kind in every way – make sure to be considerate and think of others at all times and be as caring and compassionate as possible.

    You will be separated into 6 individual forms and there will be around 26-30 of you in each. It is really easy to make friends at Bewdley and you need to remember to talk to everybody and don’t just hang out with the people you know because you’ll never know if there is somebody in your class who could be your life-long friend. Even though most of the day you will in lessons, you will still have time to see your friends at lunch, break and team projects in lessons. If you are feeling nervous or worried, you should talk to your friends, form tutor or a trusted adult.

    The dinners at Bewdley are so delicious I have to try and resist it sometimes due to the amount of money I have! There are three places you can get food at Bewdley. You can go to the pod which is a little caravan-like vehicle where you can get food which you can eat quickly. There is also the school cafeteria and you can get food from two places in there: there is the main area where you can get out a tray and have proper meals like fish and chips, lasagne etc; in addition, there is another area at the back where they serve scrumptious wraps filled with your chosen fillings.

    There are many clubs at The Bewdley School during breaks and after school. Some of my favourite clubs are dance and textiles because the teachers are really nice. In dance you get to help choregraph the moves and in textiles you get to sew and create whatever you want. There are also lots more: football club, drama club, art club, trampolining club and many more.

    There are sports teams at Bewdley and you will be able to represent the school in many activities if you wish- but you don’t need to join a club for that. The main difference from Primary school and Secondary school is that there are different classrooms and teachers for each subject and there are also more subjects to be learnt too. One of my personal favourite change is that you get really yummy snacks at break time! In Bewdley you will enjoy the experiments we do in science, the food you will make in cooking, relaxing with a book in the marvellous library and the hanging out with your friends.

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