We would like to invite parent/carers to attend our Year 11 Parents’ Evening which will take place in school on Wednesday 12 December 2024. Appointments will be available between 4pm and 6.30pm.

This is an important evening and provides parent/carers with an opportunity to discuss their daughter/son’s progress towards their GCSEs. Student’s will receive their trial exam results on the morning of 12 December with a copy being emailed to parents/carers on the same day.

Due to large class sizes in some subjects, it may not be possible to see every member of staff.

Year 11 students and their families will already have started to consider Post-16 options. In order to support both parent/carers and their daughter/son we are offering a ‘Post-16/ Career’
appointment during Parents’ Evening. The appointment will allow for personalised discussions about students next steps. We will be available to talk about the range of options available in Post-16 education including the offer here at Bewdley.

If parent/carers wish to book a careers related conversation they should select “Post-16”. Should this be showing as “full”, please add their name to the waiting list. Please note that adding their
name to the waiting list will enable us to generate an appointment time which will be shared with parent/carers on the evening.

Parent/carers can book appointments for all subjects (including Post 16 conversations) using this link – SchoolCloud – The Bewdley School

Booking of appointments will be open from 9pm on 3 December and will close at 9pm on 11 December 2024

The process for making appointments can be found in this short user guide – Parents’ Evening Online Guide

If parents/carers are unable to attend on the evening, please log on to the online system, click the appropriate date and click “Unable to attend”. This will help us keep track of who is able or unable to attend.