We regret to inform you that we again have a significant COVID outbreak in school which is significantly affecting our ability to staff the curriculum effectively. As people are not generally testing and reporting, we do not have an accurate picture of infection rates amongst students, but we do know over the last 2 to 3 weeks infection rates have reached at least 5% of the student population. We have consistently had 8+ staff away ill with COVID over this period, and whilst this was initially amongst administrative staff and senior leaders, it has now moved into our teaching staff.
It is therefore with regret that we will have to move to remote learning for Years 7 and 8 on Thursday and Friday. This means that both year groups will have two days of home learning, which will enable us to safely staff all lessons, and continue to offer the high quality educational provision that our students are used to. Students should check Teams and Show My Homework for each subject.
Given that we were due to have a non-school uniform day on the Friday and to ensure that no student misses out on this, we will now have our non-uniform day Tomorrow, on Wednesday 6th April with Friday now being normal uniform for Years 9 to 11.