As Year 11 have now completed just over half of their examinations attendance at school is now only needed for revision for afternoon exams and of course the actual examinations. We normally take this step during the first 2 weeks in June, and as Year 11 have conducted themselves exceptionally well this year during the examinations, we would like to reward them with a little additional trust by starting study leave earlier.
All students in Year 11 will therefore need to sign into school at reception when they arrive on site. Normal lessons for Year 11 will cease end of day Tuesday 4th June. The importance of attending revision sessions during lessons 3 & 4 for afternoon examinations can’t be emphasised strongly enough (Geography on Wednesday, History on Thursday and Biology on Friday this week).
The year group will gather together for the last time to say farewell after the morning examination on Friday 14th June. A reminder that afternoon examinations students must be outside room for 8.35am and PM examinations 1.35pm.